Part 12

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It's been two months and me and mattia are okay, we're not as close as we used to be I haven't hugged him in about three months and it hurts I'm not gonna lie, I hate it I miss him so much, my mum was finally home she said she has good news so I got off my bed and made my way downstairs, I walked into my living room and seen my mum on the couch "hey sweetie" my mum said with a smile "hi , what's the news you wanted to tell me" I asked sitting in the couch crossing my legs looking at her she sat up and moved her body to face me she had a really big smile "sooo see how your always moaning that I'm never in and we never get to see each other?" She said still with a big smile "I never say that to you but yeah go on" I said looking at her in the eyes wondering what she's going to say next "well I work with your friends dad, Alvaro, and we both got a job, but..." she trailed off "but?" I asked confused "it's in Florida, we're moving to Florida sweetheart!!" My mum yelled the last bit with pure excitement laced in her voice, my heart sank, this can't be happening "wait are you serious? We're moving to Florida" I asked with no expression on my face "yes honey me and you we'll get to see each other everyday again" she said "mum, all of my friends are here I can't leave them" I said sitting up on the couch properly "Alvaro is moving as well so you won't be alone" she said I shook my head "I can't believe you've done this, I don't want to move everything I have here in Jersey is everything I've ever wanted, this is my home this is we're all my friends are it doesn't matter if I only have Alvaro, kairi is here, mattia is here, mar samy Alex everyone and your gonna take that away from me because you said yes to a fucking shitty job when you could of stayed here" I said standing up with tears running down my face "I'm not happy here kim, I thought you would like to move to Florida" my mum said while her face dropped at my sudden outburst "well I am, I'm happy here and no, why the fuck would I want to go to Florida that's so random" I yelled walking upstairs, I got in my room and slammed myself on my bed and sobbed, I'm gonna be leaving my best friends in a few weeks but I'm thankful one is coming with me, I sat up on my bed and texted Alvaro.

Kim: hey, did your parents tell you the news? x

                 Alvaro😋: yeah💔 I don't want to leave x

Kim: I know me neither, I can't believe my mum made that decision without me😴x

           Alvaro😋: we should tell the boys, I'll come over rn you call mattia and kairi I'll call Alejandro x

Kim: okay x

I took a deep breath and called Mattia first, three rings in and he answered "hey kim, what's up" he asked through the phone hearing his voice made me want to burst out in tears "um, can you come over I have some news" I said with my voice cracking "yeah I'll be right there" he said he sounded kind of worried "thank you" I said almost as a whisper because I was crying, I hung up then called kairi "hey kimmy what's good baby" kairi said excitedly I let out a laugh and stayed quiet trying to pull myself together because I was a reck "can you come over, I have news to tell you and the boys" I said sniffling "why? What's wrong kim" he asked worried I shook my head and cried more "just come over I'll tell you" I said then hung up, a few minutes later all the boys were here besides mattia, I heard a knock on my door and seen mattia walk through, me and Alvaro sat on the top of the bed and the others sat at the bottom I sighed "me and Alvaro have something to tell you" I said wiping my tears away the boys just looked at us scared of what we were gonna say "our parents made a decision and were-" I said before completely braking down I pulled my hoodie sleeve into my hand and put it over my mouth to muffle the sound of my sobs, Alvaro held my hand and gave it a tight squeeze, mattia pulled me into his chest and hugged me tight "both of our parents got jobs in Florida so we need to move we're leaving in a few weeks" Alvaro said I could tell he was trying to stay strong "oh god" Mattia whispered putting his head on mine and pulling me closer, this was the first time in three months we've hugged, this is what I've been needing, a mattia hug, all the boys stayed silent I looked at mattia and he had tears in his eyes then I looked at kairi and he looked so broken he was shaking his head and playing with his finger he was trying not to cry which made my heart hurt more "I don't want to go, I'll miss all of you guys so much" I said looking at all of them "I know, well miss you guys to but we just need to have a good few weeks before you leave" kairi said trying to put a smile on his face "we can have sleepovers" Alejandro suggested I nodded my head along with the rest of them "I can't believe this is fucking happening, I'm gonna be leaving and I don't know if I'll ever come back" I said letting more tears fall mattia looked at me and wiped away my tears "you'll come back, don't worry" He said with a tight lipped smile, all the boys went home to get some clothes because we were gonna have a sleepover, they came back and we all went back up to my room we all snuggled up on my bed and watch Netflix, kairi was on my left and mattia was on my right Alejandro was next to mattia and Alvaro was at my feet "can you guys promise me something?" I asked looking at them they looked back at me "promise you won't forget about me no matter what" I said mainly looking at mattia and kairi because they were the two who had a special place in my heart "I promise" kairi said hugging me "I promise" Mattia said kissing my head putting his arm around my shoulders "I promise" Alejandro said taking my hand and squeezing it tight "I don't need to promise because I'll be with your annoying ass all day everyday" Alvaro said we all laughed "group hug?" Mattia asked I nodded with a big smile they all piled on top of me making me laugh "I love you so much" Mattia whispered in my ear, I could feel a bit of my heart chip away when he said they words, I haven't heard them say that in so long, I'm gonna be leaving him soon and I don't know if I can take it, my first love and I'm gonna be moving away and not knowing if I'm ever gonna see him again "I love you to" I whispered back we all pulled away but kairi didn't he pulled my face to his and smothered me with kissed "there you go all the kisses in the world for when your away" he said with a big cheesy smile "your a fool" I laughed shaking my head, we all sat and watched more Netflix then we fell asleep, I fell asleep next to the two people that mean the absolute world to me, my best friend and the love of my life.

The last part I did I don't think you can see the picture because Wattpad took it down @wattpad sort your shit out, so yeah if you can't see the picture then just imagine a really cute boyfriend and girlfriend picture:) x

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