Part 13

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It's been a few weeks and me and Alvaro are moving to Florida, mattia hasn't went home he's been sleeping over at mine for the weeks I had left in New Jersey, kairi was here for half of it as well and obviously the boys but mostly mattia and kairi, I didn't need to go to school because I was moving so there was no point, me and the boys apart from mattia had a sleepover at Alvaro's because we were leaving at like 4 in the morning.
I woke up and felt arms around my waist I looked to my left and seen kairi asleep, he's so cute, I giggled and took a picture and posted it on my Snapchat story

I woke kairi up then the boys "we need to get ready, me and Alvaro's flight is leaving soon" I said sitting up on the bed rubbing my eyes "noooo!! I don't want you to go, I'm not letting you guys leave" kairi said wrapping his arms around my waist...

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I woke kairi up then the boys "we need to get ready, me and Alvaro's flight is leaving soon" I said sitting up on the bed rubbing my eyes "noooo!! I don't want you to go, I'm not letting you guys leave" kairi said wrapping his arms around my waist putting his head on my lap I played with his hair "I know I don't want to go either but I have to" I said with a pouty face he looking up at me and made a sad face I leaned down and out our four heads together "come on get up and get ready so you can have a great send off for your best friends" I said kissing his nose and sitting back up properly he sighed and sat up he put an orange hoodie on and some black Adidas joggers, I got up and changed into a gray hoodie with black gym shorts, we were all ready and ready to go me and Alvaro got our suitcases and got in kairi's car heading to the airport, I got out my phone and FaceTimed mattia "hello" he said after two rings "you better be ready we're coming for you right now bumblfuck" I said he nodded his head "I am ready I'm outside waiting for yall to pick me up" he said he didn't look happy at all he didn't have any emotion on his face and he looked tired he was also wearing a gray hoodie his hood was up and his hair was over his eyes more than normal "okay I'll see you soon" I said before hanging up, we got to mattia he ran to the car and got in the back sitting on the right of me "hey" he said quietly "hey" I said back he held my hand and put it on his lap, I put my other hand on his arm and put my head on his shoulder making him rest his head on the top of mine, the whole car ride was silent, we got to the airport and we got out I walked to the boot and got my suitcase out walking into the airport, we stood at the bit were you wait for your plane to be called (idk if that makes sense) it was still silent everyone was just to sad to talk, I was sill beside mattia hugging him and I looked at kairi he liked so sad so I walked up to him and hugged him from behind resting my head on his back, he put his hands on mine and we stayed like that for a while, Alvaro made a video of all of us being sad in the airport then posted it on TikTok with the caption "leaving my best friends is definitely one of the hardest and saddest things I've gone through but I know I'm gonna see them soon❤️" it was getting closer to me and Alvaro leaving so I started to get emotional I squeezed kairi and buried my head into his back and cried he obviously heard me and turned around, I put my hood up so no one could see me ugly crying, he held the sides in my face "hey, hey listen to me" he said looking at me in the eyes "dont get upset, I don't like seeing you cry, it hurts me seeing you like this, we're gonna see each other soon okay?" He said wiping my tears away but keeping his hands on my face I nodded my head "I know but I'm not gonna have best friends with me everyday I know I'll have Alvaro but your not gonna be there with us neither is Alejandro or mattia I'm gonna miss guys so fucking much, I'm gonna miss your hugs and the stupid and deep conversations we have, I'm gonna miss me and Alex's arguments, I'm gonna miss mattia being an idiot and not being able to see his ugly face everyday" I cried but laughed closing my eyes which were getting blurry because of how much I was crying "hey! I heard that" Mattia yelled walking over to us, kairi giggled I seen that kairi was crying as well which made me even more upset "hey kim, we need to go" Alvaro said when he said that all the emotions came to me at once I burst out sobbing and covered my mouth with my hoodie sleeve to muffle the sound "look at me" Mattia said putting two of his hands on each side of my face "you need to go okay? I know it hurts but we'll see each other really soon I promise, your gonna see kairi soon your gonna see me and Alejandro as well I promise you that okay?" He said looking me in the eyes I nodded not saying anything because if I said something i would just sob even more if that would even be possible "I love you so much kim" he said putting our four heads together I put my hands on his and rubbed his fingers with my thumbs, I looked at him and he had tears in his eyes "I love you so much" I said taking a deep breath i Hugged him and he lifted me up I wrapped my legs around his torso and looked at hm right in the eyes I leaned in and kissed him for the first time in three months, I looked at him and he had the saddest look on his face he grabbed my hand and wouldn't let it go I walked up to Alejandro and hugged him "bye sis, I love you so much I'll see you soon" he said in my ear I smiled at what he said "love you to bro" I smiled and walked away then going to kairi I was trying to keep myself together "I'm gonna miss you so much kimmy" he said hugging me tight I breathed in his scent like I did with Mattia because I wasn't going to smell or see them in a long time, me or Alvaro still dont  know when we're coming back to jersey or if we even are which is absolutely terrifying to think about, I let go of kairi "love you shawty" kairi said with tears down his face he's always called me that it's kind of a joke thing we have going on "love you to Kai" I smiled back holding his hand for a second "see you later babygirl love you" Mattia said his eyes were red and I could tell he was holding in his tears "love you to handsome, I'll see you soon" I smiled then let go of his hand, I grabbed my suitcase then walked to Alvaro grabbing his hand and walking in the direction of our plane, I looked back before going into the big hall and seen mattia sobbing hugging kairi, I've never seen mattia cry like that before and I can say, it broke my heart into a million pieces, me and Alvaro finally got on the plane and I calmed down a bit, me and Alvaro held hands the hole time, I was happy that I had him with me he was also like a brother to me we had a close relationship, I put in my earphones and fell asleep dreading to see what my new life is gonna be like in Florida.

I was meant to post yesterday and stuff but I was kinda busy, my mum gave away BOTH of my rabbits when I was at work so that was pretty shit I wasn't feelin up for it so yeah I'll probably post tomorrow as well because I see that you guys actually like this book and it has 4K reads which is actually AMAZING.

ily bye x

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