Part 3

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Early Wednesday morning
I woke up to my alarm blaring in my ear it was 7:23 in the morning so I was gonna be pretty early to school I got up went into my en-suite bathroom in my room, I brushed my hair and teeth and watched my face I went to my room and changed into a black cropped hoodie with dark gray jeans that were ripped at the knees, I straightened my hair and done a full face of makeup, I couldn't be bothered doing eyeshadow so I just did eyeliner and put on fake lashes, I was feeling happy today so I decided I would be nice and text the boys in the group chat and ask if they wanted a ride to school and maybe get breakfast.

The gc name is "the team"

The team
                                Kim: hey, do you guys wanna go to benny's for some breakfast then go to school?

Kai🥺: yeah I'm down xx

alex💞: me to


Mattia😻: yeah omw 2 urs rn

                               Kim: alright

Mattia lives only a few blocks down from me so does kairi but he lives further but still walking distance, I grabbed my phone and went downstairs and sat on the couch, a minute or so later there was a chap on the door I got my phone and my keys and went to the door I opened it and seen mattia "hey" I said with a smile "hey" he said back with no smile I walked out and shut my door locking it on the way out "let's go" I said walking to my car I opened my car door and was about to get in "hey guys wait" I looked up and seen kairi running to us I laughed and waited for him to get to the car he leaned on my car trying to catch his breath "I ran so you didn't need to wast time picking me up" he said standing up straight walking over to me "you didn't need to do that I would of picked you up kai" I smiled with a chuckle ruffling his hair "I know I know" he said nodding "come on get in" I smiled pointing to the back seat, me and kairi have gotten really close after these past two days or so we always text Snapchat or FaceTime, me and Mattia are the same but we don't FaceTime and we're not really that close, I went in the driver seat mattia was in the passenger side and kairi was in the back, the car was silent until I put music on I hummed to the music til we got to Alejandro's place I texted him telling him I was outside, a few seconds later I seen him run out of his house with his bag he got in the car dabbing kairi up, he tapped mattia on the shoulder and said hey doing the same to me, we got Alvaro then went to benny's and got out the car Alejandro was videoing mattia kairi and Alvaro while music was playing in my car he pointed his phone to me and I just waved and smiled I didn't know what he was doing "what are you doing" I asked with a laugh "making a TikTok" he said smiling at me "TikTok? What is that?" I asked him confused "oh it's this app that me and the boys are on, you basically just make videos of yourself lip syncing and stuff it's pretty fun" he shrugged he showed me the video (okay well I can't show the video because it's not allowing me so I guess you just need to use your imagination:( )I laughed at the video "you have so many followers and likes what the fuck" I said covering my mouth in shock "aha yeah, mattia juts hit 1mill" ale laughed pointing to mattia "Awh that's so cool, congratulations" I smiled hugging him "thank you" he put one arm around my shoulder hugging me back, we got into benny's and sat down at the same booth we sat at yesterday but it was Alvaro and Alejandro in one booth then it was me kairi then Mattia "what do you want" I asked looking at kairi "uh I don't know I think I might get pancakes" he said with a shrug I nodded "what are you gonna get mat?" I asked looking at mattia with my arm on the table and my hand supporting my head "I'm gonna get waffles" he nodded I smiled and nodded my head as well, a few minutes later the annoying waitress came over with the same flirty smile "hey guys what can I get for you today?" She smiled I just looked at her "three pancakes and one waffles please" Mattia smiled to the girl I looked at her name tag and her name was Ashley she's a really big bitch and she's also very popular she's friends with the mean girls at our school, she wrote everything down on her pad "what do you want k?" Mattia asked looking over at me "uh I don't want anything I'm good" I said shyly with a slight smile I looked at Ashley and she gave me a bitchy smile, she walked away then kairi looked at me with a smile "what?" I ask with a smile back looking at kai "you really don't like her huh?" He laughed I laughed and rolled my eyes shaking my head "nah she looks like a bitch" I said shrugging "she's hella bad tho" Alejandro said Alvaro nodding obviously agreeing to what ale said "are you kidding?" I asked with my eyebrows frowned "she is, she's hot as fuck" Alvaro said with a chuckle I shook my head "please tell me you guys disagree" I said looking at kairi and mattia "she ain't bad, I know someone that's way more bad than that" Mattia shook his head leaning forward on the table looking at me for a second I smiled and blushed then looked at Kairi "what about you kai, do you think she's "bad"" I asked nudging him he shook his head "at least two of the boys have a taste in girls" I laughed looking at alex and Alvaro, everyone finished their food and we were just sitting everyone was on their phones "why don't we all skip?" I asked looking at the boys they all looked up at me "what?" Alvaro asked with a laugh "I mean we don't need to go to school, it's all just shit we always learn about the same stuff we don't need to" I shrugged looking at him "it's your third day at school and you want to skip already?" Mattia laughed looking at me "yeah, why not" I laughed back "what is your mum gonna say?" Mattia asked "she's not home, remember" I said with a smirk "i mean I'll skip" kairi shrugged "see at least he's fun" I laughed putting my arm around kai "so do you guys want to?" I asked again they all shrugged and nodded "okay let's go" I smiled the waitress walked past our table and put a napkin in front of mattia, he turned it over and there was a number on it that said "call me;)" on it I felt a burst of rage flow through me, mattia took the napkin and read it he looked up and gave it to Alvaro I rolled my eyes and sighed, we walked out of benny's going to my car I felt an arm around my shoulders "you all right k?" Kairi asked "yeah I'm fine" I said smiling at him "good" he smiled running to my car "hey, you good?" Mattia said looking down at me from beside me he looked really good today he was wearing a grey champion hoodie with black Adidas joggers "yeah I'm good" I smiled we went into my car and played some more music the boys danced to the music making me laugh, Kai was in the passenger seat beside me and Mattia Alvaro and Alejandro were in the back "wait who's house are we going to?" I asked "we can go to mine" Mattia said I nodded and drove to mattia's house, we finally got there and we went in going to mattia's room, he put on his blue led lights and sat down on his couch turning on his tv Alvaro and Alejandro sitting down beside him I sat down on the single chair looking at the tv which had fortnite on it, kairi came over and sat on my lap he was kinda heavy for a small guy "your so heavy oh my god" I screamed kairi laughed and got up I moved over so he could squeeze in I moved on my side and put one of my legs on his lap so I was comfortable I put my head on his shoulder, I could feel a pair of eyes staring at us so I looked up and seen mattia looking at me and kairi I looked at kairi planning to ignore him "how do you make one of they TikTok accounts?" I asked kairi with a smile "do you want me to make you one?" He asked smiling at me "yeah" I nodded handing him my phone "what do you want your username to be?" He asked looking at me "uh just like my Instagram" I said he nodded and continued to do my account "there you go, I linked your insta on your page to so you'll get followers on that to" he smiled handing me my phone "thanks kai" I giggle "what's your guys's acc's Names?" I asked looking at them "here I'll put them in" kairi said taking my phone "there you go" he said handing my phone back "do you wanna make one?" I asked him with a laugh "yeah of course" he laughed we learned a dance then started the TikTok we stood behind the boys while they played the Xbox, I forgot some of the dance me and kairi burst out laughing I leaned on his shoulder and hid my face in his neck he was still laughing and dancing, the video stopped and we watched it and we couldn't stop laughing, i tagged him and the boys and put the hashtag foryou and other stuff then I posted it, straight away it got loads of likes and comments.
User1 commented: omg Kim!!

User2 commented: ugh her again🙄

User3 commented: I ship Kim and kairi so bad😩

User4 replied to user3: I know right they r so cute🥺

User5 commented: ugh she was tryna get w mattia now she's tryna get w kairi, PICK A MAN

We looked at the comments and laughed even at the ones that weren't nice, we posted more of us dancing and some with us lip syncing and Alejandro was right it is fun to do, it was about an hour later me kairi and the boys were listening to some music and dancing, I walked over to mattia's bed and lied down I was kinda tired, I was watching the boys play their game Mattia put his hands behind his head then looked behind him and at me he got up and walked over to me and lied done on his bed next to me I moved close to him and put my head and hand on his stomach he put his hand on my arm and rubbed circles on it, it was a few hours later and I had to go home because it was getting really dark "I'm gonna go home it's getting really late and I'm kinda tired" I said sitting up facing mattia he nodded his head and sat up "I'll walk you out" he said standing up I put on my shoes and said bye to everyone giving kairi a hug on the way out we got to mattia's front door "you and kairi are quite close huh?" He asked opening the front door "yeah I guess, he's really cool and he's funny we get along really well" I smiled "yeah I can see that" he said with a slight smile "I think he likes you you know" he said leaning on his door I frowned my eyebrows at him "the way he looks at you and you guys are always hugging and stuff" he said "Awh is Mattia jealous" I said in a baby voice tilting my head pouting my lips he chuckled and stood up properly "yeah" he smiled nodding his head I was taken aback by what he said, was he being serious?, I smiled and looked down "well I better get going, I'll talk to you later, bye" I smiled he pulled me into a hug which was unexpected I hugged him back then pulled away, I walked to my car then drove to my house as soon as I got to my house I went in and changed into my pjs and went to bed.

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