Part 7

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It's been a few month since I've met the boys and I couldn't ask for anything better, mattia and I are kinda girlfriend and boyfriend but not I guess you could say we're just not official yet which is Okay with me, we've already had sex and I'm already completely in love with him to, but I'm not sure if he feels completely the same about me, me and kairi are closer than ever we're best friends we never leave each other's sides sometimes we have sleepovers with just me and him and mattia doesn't get jealous, me and Alvaro are like brother and sister he's always there for me and checking up on me on the daily and we even argue like brother and sister sometimes but that's normal we do love each other, and me and Alejandro are also very close he's kinda like the big brother i never had we always joke about and have fun.

Monday morning
It was after school and I was getting ready for the boys soccer game, it's the first time I've ever seen them play so I'm really excited, I got changed into a random t shirt and hoodie then put on black leggings because it's cold outside, I got in my car and headed to school, the boys stayed there so I didn't need to pick them up, I got to school and went to the pitch and seen the boys all sitting on the benches "sup bitches" I said throwing mattia two small towels for when they get sweaty, kairi ran up to me and gave me a tight hug making me give him one back mattia stood up and walked Over to me with his arms open "hey baby" he smiled embracing me in a hug and kissing the top of my head "hey" I said looking up at him I kissed him on the lips and smiled resting my head on his chest "ewww get a room you whores" kairi said making a disgusted face I took mattia's towel from his neck and whipped kairi with it "ohh no you didn't" he said running over to the bench talking the other towel, this is when i knew I done fucked up, he ran to me so I ran away from him so he didn't get me but I failed he grabbed my waist and spun me around then taking me to the floor leaving me there out of breath, I was the same height as kairi so it was easy for him to drop me, I laid down on the grass out of breath Mattia came over to me and picked me up bridal style "are you not gonna beat his ass he just dropped me? I thought no one messes with your girl?" I said looking at him "they don't, that's why I'm gonna drop him in the game, he won't see it comin" he said kissing me on the cheek and putting me down "uh yeah I will I just heard you say it" kairi said making me laugh throwing my head back "you gotta be more quiet next time baby" I laughed tapping his chest "aight I gotta go the game is gonna start" he laughed kissing me on the temple, I walked to the bleachers and tried to find a seat "Kim!" I heard someone yell I looked to were the voice was and it was marina waving at me I waved at her back and walked over to her sitting down "hey, how are you" I asked giving her a hug "I'm perfect, how are you" she smiled "I'm great thanks" I smiled back it was a few hours later and I heard a girl shout mattia's name I ignored it the three times thinking it was a fan or something but she kept screaming his name and calling him baby, like what the fuck is your deal?, I was getting pretty annoyed with it so I looked behind me, you would not believe it, I seen Ashley the fucking annoying ass waitress from benny's, I got out my phone and went on TikTok making a video "okay so this bitch behind me is chanting for my hot ass boyfriend calling him baby n shit, so I'm gonna do it to and show her who she's fuckin with" I said to the video I started chanting "come on baby!" And stuff like that and after I kept chanting stuff she stopped and a few minutes later so did the game "okay so the bitch stopped chanting just after I started, that's my baby" I said pointing the camera to mattia and him walking to me then I did another clip of him kissing my cheek "were you aware that Ashley was here?" I asked looking at him "who's Ashley?" He asked sitting on the bench drinking his water "the waitress from benny's" I said crossing my arms "no, why would I know if she was here or not?" He said shrugging he put down his water bottle and grabbed my hand pulling me closer to him he put his arms around my waist and squeezed me making me laugh "there's no need to worry okay? I'm not gonna leave you for someone else" he said kissing my hand I nodded even tho he couldn't see kairi walked over and sat on the bench next to mattia I walked over to him and sat with the bench in between my legs like I was sitting on a horse (if that makes sense) I put my arms around his waist and out my head on his shoulder taking a deep breathe in and out "you okay showty?" He asked rubbing the back of my hand I looked up and him and nodded giving him a tight lipped smile we put out four heads together and he kissed me on the cheek I grabbed mattia's hand just so he knew I didn't fall out with him "did you see my score?" kairi asked with a big grin he looked like an exited puppy it was cute "yeah I did, it was great congratulations babies" I smiled with a giggle holding booth kairi and mattia's hand "thank you" they said in unison, me and the boys went to a diner after but not benny's because I couldn't be bothered driving a long way there and back so we went to somewhere close to the school, after we ate we went back into my car and I dropped the boys off then I made my way to my bed not bothering to change my clothes because I was so tired.

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