Part 20

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I woke up the next morning and was sick again, I decided I was going to skip school today because I had to go to the doctors, I brushed my teeth and hair I left my hair down and didn't bother to do makeup, I got changed into a white hoodie a black puffy jacket black joggers and my white airforce 1's, I grabbed my phone and went downstairs walking into the kitchen "hey sweetie, how are you feeling this morning?" My mother asked walking up to me putting her hand on my cheek "yeah, I threw up again but I'm okay I guess" I nodded giving her a smile she tilted her head and gave me a smile back "are you ready to go to the doctors?" She asked grabbing her keys "yeah, let's go" I nodded walking to the front door, we got in the car and made our way to the doctors, I felt my phone vibrate and I seen that i got a text from mattia.

Mattia💍💘: hey baby, you coming in to school today? xx

                Kim: um not today, I got a go to the doctors xxx

Mattia💍💘: aight, you coming to our game? xx

                                      Kim: ofc xx

Mattia💍💘: see you soon baby, love you xxx

                         Kim: love you to xxx

We were finally at the doctors so we both got out and waited in the waiting room, it was a few minutes later and I got called in, I told him everything that's been happening the past few weeks "we think she might be pregnant" my mother said to the doctor I looked at he with wide eyes "can u test her or something" she said with a shrug "of course" the doctor nodded, we did everything we had to do "I'll be back in a bit with the results" he smiled walking out of the room leaving me and my mum alone "I'm scared" I said looking down playing with my fingers "I know sweetheart, it will be fine" she said putting her hand on my knee, I felt my phone vibrate again and it was a text from kairi.

Kai🥺: hey, have you been to the doctor yet xx

                     Kim: im here right now, just waiting for him to come back w the results xx

Kai🥺: tell me how it goes, will I see you at the game tonight? xx

             Kim: will do and yeah I am xx

Kai🥺: aight shawty I'll see you soon xx

Kim: see you soon xx

Minutes later the doctor came back with his clip board "so, what's the news" my mum said holding my hand "well, miss Asher, Congratulations, your 6 weeks pregnant" the doctor said smiling at me, my mum put her hand over her mouth and grabbing my hand tighter, I looked at her with my eyes wide, I was In shock, I felt myself begin to cry, my mum pulled me into a  hug and held me tight, I started sobbing into her chest.

We we're finally home and I was just sitting in my bed resting before I go to the game, my mum walked into my room and sat on my bed in front of me, I sat up and gave her a weak smile "how you feelin?" She smiled putting her hand on my knee again "I'm okay" I shrugged "please don't be mad at me, this wasn't planned, I'm sorry" I said with a shaky voice "I'm not mad. not at all sweetheart" she said with a big smile, I smiled back at her and took her hands, she pulled me into a hug and squeezed me tightly "I love you mum" I said into her ear "I love you to baby" she said back "do you want me to take you to the game?" She asked looking at me "nah, I can drive" I said to her "I don't want you driving kimmy" she said I rolled my eyes and sighed, we both made our way downstairs to her car, we got in and she started driving.

We got to the school and I got out "Text me and I will pick you up later okay" she said nodding her head "okay" I said shutting the door behind me and making my way to the field, I seen kai mattia ale and Alvaro on the bench, kairi and Alejandro ran up to me and gave me a hug "hey, you good" kai asked looking at me concerned, I'm guessing he asked that because my face and eyes were red and puffy from crying "um, yeah" I said nodding slightly "did you go to the doctors? What did they say?" Alejandro asked coming closer to me, I looked at mattia and he was still talking to alvaro, I looked back at kai and ale and looked down "uh, I'm 6 weeks" I said nodding my head tearing up again "6 weeks what?" Kai asked with confusion "I'm 6 weeks pregnant kai" I said with tears running down my cheeks, they both covered their mouths in shock "your for real?" Ale said with a smile I nodded my bead "I'm so happy for you k, congratulations" ale laughed "Congrats shawty" kai smiled pulling me into a hug "does mattia know?" He asked "not yet" I shook my head, mattia ran over to us and put his arm around my shoulder "hey babe" he said kissing my cheek "hey" I smiled kissing him on the lips, I'm so scared to tell him, what if he leaves me "you okay?" He asked rubbing my arm looking at me worried "yeah I'm good" I nodded "okay, we need to go, love you" he said kissing me again I sad next to marina on the bleachers "hey chick, how have you been" she smiled pulling me into a hug "hey, I've been horrible, what about you" I said sitting down "why n yeah I've been decent" she said "I've been ill for a few weeks, I went to the doctors and found out I'm 6 weeks pregnant" I looked at her nodding my head she opened her mouth in shock and grabbed my arm "for real! Ur shitting me right?" She shouted "shh no I'm not playin, I'm serious" I said whispering a bit "well who's the baby daddy and whoever it is does he know?" She asked still looking at me "it's mattia and no" I said shaking my head looking down at my lap, we stayed quiet waiting for the game to start, I really wasn't feeling up to this so I was going to get my mum to pick me up "I'm gonna head home, I mattia or kai asks where I am tell them I went home cuz I felt sick" I said to marina nodded my head  sitting up "okay, I'll see you later" she said rubbing my arm, I gave her a smile then squeezed past all the people that were here to watch the game, I walked down the steps on the bleachers, I looked at mattia and he looked at me back giving me a confused look I gave him a small smile and kept walking, he ran up to kai pointing to the team then kairi ran to them I could hear his coach shouting on him, he ran to me grabbing my arm lightly spinning me around making me look at him, we were both standing in a hall "baby where are you going, are you not gonna watch me play?" He asked frowning his brows at me "I was but I feel sick so I was gonna go home" I said looking at him, he stood up straight and looked at me "what's wrong kim? You haven't been yourself lately" he asked tilting his head a bit "nothing is wrong ttia I'm just Sick"I nodded trying to get him to believe me "I'm not dumb kim something is wrong" he said shaking his head "tell me" he walked closer to me so he was towering over me, I took a deep breath in and out looking down at our feet, here goes nothing "my mum took me to the doctors today" I said looking at him playing with my hands "I know, what was it for?" He asked still looking at me "it was because I've been ill for a few weeks but then" I sighed shaking my head "your worrying me kimmy, what's wrong?" He asked lifting up my chin with his thumb and finger "my mum took me because she thought I was pregnant" I blurted out he didn't do or say anything "I'm 6 weeks pregnant mattia" I said with tears in my eyes, he backed up and put both of his hands over his mouth looking at me "I'm sorry mattia, I didn't plan for this to happen, please don't leave me" I said letting out a sob he came over to me and pulled me into a big hug and kissed me on my head "sh sh shh it okay, I'm not gonna leave you kim, ever" he whispered to me "I'm gonna be a daddy" he chucked grabbing the sides of my face I could see how much he was happy and he also has tears in his eyes "I'm gonna be a mummy" I laughed he pulled me in and kissed me passionately "I love you so much princess" he smiled putting our four heads together "I love you way more handsome" I smiled pulling him in for a kiss again "go win the game, I'll be here" I smiled "I gotchu" he said smacking my eyes "I love you gorgeous!!" He shouted jumping in the air "I love you to baby!!" I shouted back letting out a laugh.

I'm gonna have a kid with the love of my life, life is crazy.

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