Part 2

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Tuesday morning
I woke up to my alarm I slept in so I shot up and got ready as fast as I could I put on a plain black hoodie with black leggings straightened my hair I did my makeup which was only eyebrows and fake lashes I grabbed my phone and ran downstairs I walked out the door then seen my mums black jeep remembering she left it for me I ran back in the house grabbing my car keys and some money putting it in my black purse, I got to school and it's now second period I got out my car and locked it I ran up to the doors and to my locker opening it and putting my purse in the locking it after me running to my class, I walked it out of breath everyone's eyes were on me but I ignored it "it's nice for you to finally join my class miss Asher" the teacher smiled at me "I'm sorry miss I slept in" I said walking to my seat grabbing my jotter on the way there "it's okay, take a seat" she said going back to what she was teaching "so were you actually late or were you making out with some guy?" Mattia asked looking at me slouched ok his chair with a smirk "what? No, Why would you think that?" I asked giving him a disgusted look "your face is red and your out of breath" he said still staring at me I looked away and went on my phone "hm" I hummed trying to ignore him "what have you never made out with someone before?" He asked with a slight laugh I looked at him with a death glare "oh shit, you've never made out with someone?" He asked sitting up on his chair laughing I rolled my eyes trying to copy everything the teacher writ down on the board "I could change that" he whispered coming closer to me "no thanks" I said looking at him giving him fake smile our faces were inches away he leaned back on his chair again putting his hands up in defence, it was the end of class and it was now lunch, I stood up to get if of the class but mattia was till in his seat purposely blocking me I rolled my eyes putting my head back and crossed my arms and sighed "what?" He asked smugly "you know what, your blocking me from getting out asshole move" I said annoyed "hm nah" he said crossing his arms leaning back on his seat I rolled my eyes again "okay" I shrugged I put one leg over his like I was going to give him a lap dance or something the I moved the other one I looked back and smiled at him walking out of class, I felt an arm go around my shoulders I looked up and seen mattia smiling down at me I rolled my eyes and shook my head pulling his arm off of me he made a gasping noise then put his hand on his chest I laughed and kept walking to the cafeteria "you know I was only playin when I said I didn't like you" mattie said from beside me looking down at me "mmhm" I said frowning my brows looking at the attractive male towering over me "I swear your actually really cool, and I can tell that the boys really likes you and I don't wanna be one of they friends that break apart a friendship because I'm being a dick" he said with a shrug "I know" I smiled we got to the table and seen the boys sitting down I sat where I sat yesterday so did mattia I leaned my head on kairi's shoulder and sighed "you okay?" He asked tapping my hand I nodded I looked at mattia and he had a look on his face he looked kinda pissed off I stuck my tongue out at him for a joke but he just looked down at his lap and went on his phone, whys he on a mood for and why is he always on his phone? "so what's our plans after school what's happening?" Alejandro asked us I shrugged "well we could go to like benny's or something" Mattia said looking at us we all agreed on going to benny's "I could take yall in my car? So we could all just go straight after school?" I asked they all nodded their head, it's after school and I went to my locker to get my purse and someone put their arms around me "Mattia I really can't be bothered with you playin right now" I shook my head "is Mattia your boyfriend?" An unfamiliar males boys said in my ear I slammed my locker shut and spun around to see a guy I've never seen before, he was attractive but he was obviously a bully or something "who are you?" I asked backing up so my back was pressed up against the locker "that doesn't matter, who are you?" he asked coming closer to me with a smirk putting his hand where my head is on my locker he was inches away from my face "your new here, right?" He asked still with that stupid smirk on his face I nodded my head and looked down "Awh do you not wanna talk" he said with a baby voice I was nearly sick he leaned in fast he tried to kiss me but I moved my head so he got my cheek "yo, leave her alone" I heard a familiar male voice say I liked to my left and seen mattia and the boys, the boy moved his hand from the locker I fished myself I looked at Mattia and he looked really pissed "the fuck out of here kio" he yelled at the boy but he didn't move mattia walked up to him towering over the other boy they were also inches away from each other looking in each other's eyes and not looking away, mattia was taller than kio and way more scary, kio finally gave up and walked away after 10 seconds of intense eye contact with Mattia "let's go" mattia spoke still angry he walked ahead of us out of the school "yo are you okay? Did he hurt you?" Alvaro asked worried "what yeah no I'm fine he didn't hurt me he just scared me a bit that's all" I gave alvaro a small smile he nodded and we kept walking til we got out of the school and to my car, we all got in and mattia got in the passenger seat he was on his phone not saying anything to anybody I sighed and put on the radio, we were finally at benny's and we got out alvaro and kairi walked ahead the it was me and Alejandro Mattia was behind us probably on his phone I heard footsteps running behind us and it was mattia "nice panties" he said running backwards in from of me with his tongue out "stoppp" I said annoyed I put my head back knowing exactly what he was talking about he winked at me "it's true" he laughed and ran into benny's I looked down and seen that my leggings were see through knowing damn well he just seen my white lace thong, I mentally face palmed and walked into benny's after him Alejandro laughed also knowing what he was talking about I hit him on the back of his head we sat down at a booth it was kairi Alejandro on one seat then it was Mattia me then alvaro on the other seat which was really cramped up I was basically sitting Mattia's lap "damn mami if you wanna sit on my lap jus say" Mattia said with a smirk putting one arm around the back of the chair and the other one leaning it on is face "Alvaro can you move Over there this bitch stinks" I said to Alvaro as a joke "who" Mattia asked with frowned brows "you!" I yelled trying to hold in a laugh "nahh I don't smell I had a shower yesterday see" Mattia lifted up his arm put it in my face I turned my head quick enough thankfully, we all laughed the waitress came
to our booth she was about our age "what can I get you guys today?" She asked looking up as soon as she seen mattia she gave the most flirtiest smile ever it made me sick I felt a rush of jealously wash over me and I don't know why, mattia smiled at her back which pissed me off me more "were just gonna get a burger" Alejandro said to the girl pointing at him kairi and Alvaro "I'll have the same" I said as she wrote it down "what do you want" I asked looking at mattia putting my hand on his that was on the table so everyone could see he looked down at our hands then me then at the girl again "I'll have the same" he said the girls face dropped when she seen me hold mattia's hand "okay it will be over to you all shorty" she said walking away fast I bet she feels stupid, I looked at all the boys and they were all staring at me in shook "what?" I asked looking at mattia he smiled with a laugh then put his arm around my shoulder pulling me closer to him, he leaned into my ear "I really like your panties by the way" he whispered seductively in my i bit the inside of my cheek the squeezed my legs together "you do?" I whispered back our faces inches away from each other almost as if we were gonna kiss he nodded and bit his lip "maybe you could see what type of panties the waitress has" I said with a smile looking away I could feel his eyes burning a hole in the side of my face, I was not about to give into him like that I'm gonna play hard to get to see if he really wants me or if he's just playin, the food came and we were all eating mattia was eating like a gannet with his load chewing "so Kim tell us some more about yourself" Alejandro spoke up I looked at him and shrugged "there's nothing really to say I'm not that interesting" I said to him "just say anything" he said "okay well I just moved from LA to here with my mum because she got a placement here I don't actually know what she does but she's always gone, ever since my dad left she works for like months on end sometimes she leaves me in the house and goes to a hotel but most of the time it's work, I don't really have any hobbies Well if you count watching movies and Netflix all day then yeah that's my hobbie" I laughed the boys joining in "I'm sorry about your mum, and your dad" Alvaro said "nah it's okay I'm used to it" I shrugged with a smile mattia rubbed my arm "yall need to eat your food" Mattia said with his mouth half full with chips he was nearly already done with his food I gave him a disgusted he winked at me and made a kissy face at me I put my hand on his four head and pushed his head back "uh uh" I said shaking my head the boys all laughed "i know you want to" Mattia said out loud "nah i really don't" I laughed shaking my head I ate a few chips then like three bites out of my burger I really wasn't a eating kind of person I was always scared Incase I gained weight I know it sounds stupid but I can't help it, we finished our food and the bill came we all went halfers on it everyone put money on the in except one person we all looked at mattia "what?" He asked clueless we all pointed to the money on the table "oh I didn't bring any" he said with a laugh I shook my head "I'll pay for him" I said putting a ten dollar note on the table (it feels really weird type that because I stay in Scotland and we obviously don't say dollars here we say pounds😂) taking my five dollar back "are we all ready to go?" Kairi asked the boys all nodded "wait I'm gonna go to the restroom for a sec you guys can sit in the car if you want" I said putting my car keys on the table Alvaro grabbed them and ran out I lauded and walked to the lady's room, I looked I walked in and looked in the mirror a few seconds later someone came through the door, it was mattia he locked the door then came over to me I stood up and turned around so my back was facing the mirrors "what are you doing in here this is the lady's restroom?"I laughed he shrugged I rolled my eyes putting my hands on the sink behind me he came closer to me not taking his eyes off of mine he leaned in and kissed me I was going to pull away but it was to good so I leaned into the kiss, he licked my bottom lip asking for entrance so I let him in at this moment we were making out, he kissed my jaw all the way down to my neck sucking and biting it I let out a quiet moan and grabbed his arm and the back of his hair he groaned which turned me on more, he grabbed my ass "jump" he whispered in my ear I done what he told me to do he lifted me up and put me on the skin he went in between my legs and started grinding on me making me moan even more into his ear he put his hand under my jumper and squeezed my boob, we made out more then I put my hand to his bulge and palmed him making him moan in my ear I kissed and sucked on his neck like he did to me i then put my hand in his joggers and palmed him through his boxers moving my hand up and down he was moaning in my ear I chucked to myself "fuck" he moaned I pulled my hand out his joggers and jumping off the sink I walked to the door but he pulled me back "where are you going?" He asked frustrated I looked down and seen him palming himself I looked back up at him and smirked "I'm going to my car the boys are waiting" I said unlocking the door "fine I'll just see if that cute waitress will help me" he said with a shrug "do that and see what happens" I said with a straight face I walked out of the toilet with my face all red I took a beep breath and walked out with mattia walking far behind me, I got in the car mattia doing the same I started the car making my wait home "are you guys alright" kairi asked is with a confused face "yeah" I said nodding my head the boys told me where they stayed I took Alejandro Alvaro and kairi to their house and I was on my way to mattia's house, we finally got there it was silent for a second "thanks for the ride Kim" he said looking at me with a smile "no problem mattia" I smiled back he leaned over and kissed me on the cheek "I'll see you tomorrow beautiful" he said getting out of my car I blushed and drove away, today has been so crazy.

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