Part 6

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I woke up to the sun shining in my face I rubbed my eyes and looked beside me and seen mattia peacefully asleep lying on his stomach with his head resting on his arms, I smiled and went on my side looking at him i ran my fingers through his hair then putting my hand on his cheek rubbing it, I stopped and stared at him, I don't know how someone could be so amazing and beautiful, every time I'm near him I get butterflies and I get nervous, he really brought light to my darkness and he's making me eat again he takes care of me and I like that "stop staring" Mattia said with his eyes still closed I giggled and moved closer to him running my fingers through his hair again "I can't help it" I said resting my head on his arms leaving a kiss on his arm he moved on his back and held his arms out "come here" he said still half asleep I went into his arms and he wrapped them around me he put the covers over us more and buried his head in my neck "thank you" I said whispered but I made sure it was audible for him to hear "for what?" He asked rubbing my back with his thumb "for being here with me, for caring about me, for beating someone's ass for me" I chuckled making him do the same "I never thought I'd feel the way I feel about you, it's next level shit" I said and smiled he pulled me in closer and squeezed me tighter kissing my neck softly "that's why I was out here baby, to take care of you" he said rubbing my back I almost cried there was a hole in my heart that had to be filled and he did just that, I had a big cheesy grin on my face and mattia looked at me he laughed he leaned in and out a soft kiss on my lips "I need to thank you as well you know" he said looking me in the eyes "you saved me" he said nodding his head slightly I kissed him and then went back t hugging him, it was an hour later and we were sitting on our phones and I got a text from and Unknown numbers.

Unknown number: hey! Do you wanna maybe hang out today? x
                         Kim: who's this?

Unknown number: oh sorry it's mar:)

                         Kim: oh hey aha sorry Um yeah sure Im going to benny's w the boys but you could come to if you want? x

Mar🤭: yeah thats cool w me I'm w samy as well if that's ok? x
                 Kim: yeah that's fine x

I put my phone down and looked at mattia "that was mar" I said with a nervous look "that was mar?! Why? what did he want?" He asked sitting up on his elbows "chill out, he was asking if he wanted to hang out and I said that I was gonna be with you and they boys then..." I trailed off "then what?" He asked rolling his eyes "I said he would" I said quickly covering my face "what are you serious!!" Mattia yelled lying back on my bed "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to I felt bad!" I said holding his hand "your gonna be there so it's fine he won't try anything" I said looking at him he looked at me and shook his head "your a pain in the ass k" he said hitting me with a pillow "you love me" I laughed "hmm yeah" Mattia said getting up off my bed putting on his shoes "are you going in that?" I asked pointing to what he was wearing "yeah, why? It's fine to wear their clean" he said shrugging "okay I've got to get ready" I said getting off my bed as well going to my closet "what you gonna wear?" He asked hugging me from behind "uh just a hoodie and jeans" I said nodding I shut my closet and looked at us in the mirror we liked so put I grabbed my phone and went on Snapchat and took a picture of us in the mirror and putting it on my story

" I trailed off "then what?" He asked rolling his eyes "I said he would" I said quickly covering my face "what are you serious!!" Mattia yelled lying back on my bed "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to I felt bad!" I said holding his hand "your gonna be t...

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"We hella cute" Mattia smiled I laughed and grabbed my back jeans from my floor and grabbing a black hoodie and a bra I went into my restroom and changed then came out I seen mattia kn his phone on my bed "I texted the boys their on their way to benny's right now" Mattia said leaning his back on the headboard of my bed  "okay let me just text mar and tell him to meet us there" I sat on my bed and got my phone texting mar.

Kim: hey, we're on our way to benny's rn, I'll see you soon:) x
                   Mar🤭: aight see you soon cutie;) xx

I locked my phone and sighed I didn't bother telling mattia about what mar said because I know he would go off on one and say we're not going, we hoped in my car and I started driving mattia put his hand on my thigh keeping it there for the whole ride, we were finally at benny's so we got out and walked in and seen the guys at our booth we sit at we walked over and kairi moved so we could get in, it was me mattia then kairi then on the other seat it was Alvaro Alejandro then mar and samy was sitting on Mariano's lap which I thought was quite funny and cute "hey guys" I said with a smile "hey" they all said back I leaned back on the chair me and kairi looked at each other and laughed I sat up on the seat and went on my knees reaching over mattia's back to hug kairi, me and kairi are very close sometimes we act like girlfriend and boyfriend but that's just how our friendship is and I wouldn't change it for the word "what are you doing" Mattia said looking at me with an annoying tone "I'm hugging my best friend okay" I said hitting the back of his head "you better watch yourself, little lady" he said in a weird voice poking me I squealed and laughed because I hate when people tickle or poke me it's sore, he gave me a soft kiss on the lips then started talking to alex and Alvaro, I went on my phone and made a TikTok, I put the camera on mattia and I kissed him on the cheek you could see him smile and blush which was really cute then I put the camera to kairi with me playing with his hair and him not paying attention to what I was doing I pointed it to alex and Alvaro and Alvaro did the slatt then pointed it to mar and samy then waving to the camera I posted it and it got likes straight away, we finished all of our food and luckily when our food was coming it wasn't that bitch Ashley that gave us it, so I was happy, then she came over to the table and was going to take our plates away she was still looking at mattia, she slid a napkin under his hand and gave him a wink making me feel sick , mattia opened up the napkin looking at it and it was her phone number again, this bitch is really asking for it, I shook my head "that's the second time you've gave him your number, get it through to your head bimbo he doesn't fucking want it!" I shouted at her standing up ripping up the napkin and throwing it in her face, she walked away and I sat down "wow" mar said with a laugh I covered my face and we all started laughing "that was insane did you see her face" kairi said while laughing "seriously, the next time she does that she's not walking away, I'll pull her over this fucking table and beat her ass" I laughed "so yall a thing?" Mar asked I paused because I didn't know exactly what me and Mattia were "yeah, sort of" Mattia said nodding holding my hand under the table mat just nodded and stayed quiet, we all walked outside and I said goodbye to samy and mar giving them both a hug "bye, I'll text you" mar said waving to me "okay bye" I said with a smile waving back "ugh I hate that kid" Mattia said shaking his head holding my hand "there's nothing to worry about I wouldn't leave you for the world" I said putting my arms around mattia's neck he smiled and kissed me "I know" he said slapping my bum and walking away "hey!" I shouted running up to him and getting on his back "guys help this rachit ass chick won't leave me alone" Mattia yelled to the boys while pointing to me all the boys laughed and got in my car he let me down and I hit his arm "your so mean" I said with a pouty face "you love me" he said putting his face close to mine copying what I said earlier I laughed and got in my car driving off, I dropped all the boys off and I went home when I got in I changed and watched some tv me and mar texted for a bit and so did me and Mattia then I decided I would go to bed.

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