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Daniel, that is to say, me, is a 10 year old boy. I have been this way my entire life, excluding being 10. Well, until around a year ago, when I went to my friend, Whitney's, birthday party. I can still remember those final moments of the party, we were handed out candy. I saved mine for once I got home. I do profess that I ate it on the way home, and I would pay for it. It was a green candy, mildly sour. Once it was done, my joints locked up, suddenly, except for my shoulders, which put my arms in front of me. I was in a park at the time, taking a shortcut to my house through a small, abandoned tunnel. I began to twist, and turn. Beginning with me bowing down, and then, I noticed something: I was sprouting tufts of what appeared to be paper out of my skin! Of pink and pretty colors, they now reside on my skin. My spine, I could feel, became like a rod. My skin hard, like rock. My head looked up, unnaturally, and also began sprouting tufts. My neck extended, I could feel, and I could see more around me. A large, pink protrusion came out the middle of my vision, a large, black dot at the end. It used to be my nose. I couldn't talk, or move my jaw. I couldn't do anything! But wait. Wait for it to be over. In around only 10 minutes, I felt my limbs able to move again. Padded on the ground, it felt like I had odd shoes on. My legs were pink, as they are now, and my arms were to. As I had no arms, only 4 legs. I tried to walk, and fell. I repeated this for hours until I could walk on my feet. My new feet. Padded, like a costume. But I could feel it. The bottoms were soft. It was odd, quite odd, to rotate my limbs. I felt no hunger, nor thirst. Just an emptiness. A kind of hollow inside feeling. It felt like my brain was off. I walked into the tunnel, and began to cry. Except there were no tears, nor sounds. Just my internal thoughts echoing in my head. I tried to move my head, it rotated. Not going up or down, just rotating. Rotating, and I could only rotate it so far. My eyes could see nearly behind me, where sat a small concrete pillar, and some rubble. Like the life I once led, there was mostly just rubble.

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