Chapter 03

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"Cosmos can be selfish and cruel."

Today was supposed to be the Senior's trip and I slept late last night just for me to prepare my luggage and this moment, I'm catching my breath running for the bus. I hope they spared some time waiting for my arrival.

Glancing at my wrist watch, time is not on my side. I'm late! Why does this school have a long hallway to run into?

I wrapped my jacket around me tightly, it's a cloudy today but I feel colder than usual.

"Ah there you are Lulu!" Avery waved her arms at the air for me from afar and helped me carrying my bags when I arrived. "What took you so long? We are all waiting for you, Good thing the principal is in a good mood today"

I held my knees as I catch my breath. My sweats should've been soaked me right now if it wasn't for the cold weather. "I...I'm sorry" I apologized still panthing.

"Guess who decided to show up" a voice that sent shivers to my spine inserted and I can hear my classmates especially the girls giggle.

I lowered my head to bow "I'm sorry to cause such trouble, I---" before I could finish my sentence, she cut me off as if I was nothing but a mere trash.

"Let's all go now" our principal said and boarded the bus for her.

I guess she's still mad at me because I accidentally poured my yogurt all over her during enrollment in front of school investors. 

"Come on Lulu, it's our turn to board on the bus" said Avery and I just nodded as an answer then sighed. Could this day get any worse?

We had our seat alphabetically, I sat on the seat near the window and thank heavens Avery is just positioned in front of me. She looked back at me and waved her hands before putting on her seatbelt and I did the same to mine.

I leaned my head unto the bus glass window. Man, I feel so tired. Pulling out my earphones for some music, our bus is escaping from the busy city shifting the view from commercialized buildings to green grasses and trees of the countryside.

There's happiness in my heart while escaping the metropolis for a short moment. My eyelids got heavier watching the view from my window and before I realized it, with beautiful view before my eye and sweet music I fell asleep with a smile across my lips.

What could be this trip bring if it reaches its destination?

Something is in my cheeks that made me open my eyes from sleep. It was Avery's forefinger poking my cheeks.

"Wake up sleepybaby nom nom hmmm..." She was pouting and her lips leaned closer to mine as if she is kissing me "Mama will kiss you hmmm"

What the--- she really intends to kiss me!

I feel a little drowsy but I manage to reach for my shoe and hit her forehead just a few centimeters till her lips arrive at its wrongful destination and a violent scream echoed the whole bus.

"Why do you have to hit me like that?" She said sobbing then rub her poor forehead with my shoe mark left. We are now proceeding to the hotel that we are staying at. Our schoolmates are staring at Avery who looked like a kid who was hit by her mother for being naughty.

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