Chapter 3

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I was torn, I was grateful that Rosalie took over watching Dinner for me, and I told her as much, what I was torn over, was, if I should ask my brothers to help me rip Peter a new one for dumping me on Clint's lap, or kiss him for dumping me on Clints lap.
When Peter dumped me down, I was leaning over to get up when he placed his arms around my waist.
"Wouldn't want you to fall, now would we?" Clint told me, without thinking I told him I wouldn't mind, seeing his smile at my response made being dumped here worth it. I heard a slap not long after that, When I looked around, Peter and Charlotte had disappeared, Emmett's booming laugh starting to fill the house, as I saw Jasper walk-in cringing.
"Ah, Peter and Charlotte left to have sex obviously." I chuckled out.
"How do you know that?" Clint asked me.
"Jasper's expression. It says it all really. Would you want to hear your siblings going at it all the time?" I said to Clint, now his face resembled Jasper's.

"Do you have any siblings?" I asked him, he just nodded.
"One, Barney, he died a few years ago, he was older than me," Clint said as he started playing with my fingers.
"I'm sorry about that," I told him.
"What about you? are you the youngest of you three?" Clint asked me, confusing me completely.
"Only child, Emmett and Jasper are the brothers of my ex-boyfriend. Jasper's ex-wife was my best friend, not anymore, and Emmett's wife Rosalie, is just over there, I've always seen her as my sister. Family is complicated, but it's not just blood relation." I said quietly looking over those who I called family.
"Well, that makes more sense, Jasper came up to me earlier asking me if I was seeing Nat, which I'm not, by the way, say that he could still kick the ass of someone 100 years his junior, for someone who I'm guessing is in his early 20's, not possible," Clint said, I just laughed, I'm going to need to talk to Jasper about this.

"Sounds about right, he's just looking out for me," I told him.
"Jasper, I think, my uncle and Clint need to be as informed as I am about certain things. If you understand that is." I said, I felt as if I was asking permission to let them in on the secret, even though it was not mine to share.
"Even though your Uncle knows about Carlisle and Esme, I think its a good idea if your boyfriend here knows, after all, you, your Uncle as well as yourself have only two options now, change or die. But in saying that you have me as an Ace up your sleeve. Knowing this, do you still want him to know?" Jasper asked, this I had not known about.
"Edward never told me that I only have two options. I don't want to change anymore." I said to him, he smiled and pulled out his phone, after dialling whoever it was, he put the caller on speaker.
"Who is this, I demand to know how you got this number!" A male voice demanded over the phone, I just watched as Jasper smiled.

"That is no way to talk to your betters now Your Highness," Jasper said, his tone was one I had never heard before.
"Ares, what can I do for you?" The man said as I heard his sharp intake of air.
"Caius, call your brothers, then call this number back," Jasper said as he hung up, and dialled again.
"Before you ask and before people are informed, You both are needed at the Swan house immediately." Jasper hung up the phone again and waited.
He didn't wait long before the phone rang and he answered.
"We are here." the same man from earlier said down the line, as a knock sounded on the front door.
"Now, I have four humans here I want to disclose our secret too, without penalty of death or change, They are helping my coven in keeping our anonymity, just as you have humans on your staff, I also keep humans for a purpose. This is not to be argued, they will not be hunted or tracked, and neither will any future generations or, people they associate with. Is that clear, and no, I will not disclose their names. Any questions?" Jasper said his tone becoming deeper, edgy.

There were no disagreements on the other end of the line. Jasper said he would be in touch in a few days before he hung up the phone.
His eyes which had been getting considerably darker the longer he talked on the phone, started to lighten again. He called in Uncle Tony and Charlie before thanking Carlisle and Esme for coming. Tony greeted the new arrivals as well, as he already knew them.
Once seated, he proceeded to tell the humans not in the know what was really out there and that they were excluded from any and all penalty from knowing the secret.
"How is it they can know without consequence?" Emmett asked I was wondering the same actually.
"Simple answer is the leaders, the Volturi, have a healthy respectful fear of me, ever since they confronted Maria 100 years ago, and lost, they nearly decimated her Army, but she called me out, and I destroyed every single one of their guard, with only my bare hands and my gift, the only one left alive was Caius, one of the kings, I've been to see them once, before I meet Alice, lets just say, I rule them, if I wanted I could replace them and rule, I choose not too, as I am happy with the way things are," Jasper informed us all.
"So Vampires. Don't really know what to say to that one." Clint said, sounding mostly like he was talking to himself. Jasper had stressed how important it was for us all to not say anything to anyone. We all agreed.
Charlie let me know he was headed over to the Clearwater's tonight, he and Sue had become close since Harry's death, he asked where everyone else was going to be. Tony had made arrangements for a hotel room in Seattle, Jasper, Emmett and Rose were going back to the Cullens house to talk about some things with Carlisle and Esme, Clint had a room at the same hotel as Tony, Charlie asked if I wanted to go to the Clear waters also. But I declined. I just needed some time.
"I'll follow you out Charlie, I need to call Pepper anyhow," Tony said nudging Charlie out the door.

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