Chapter 7

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Peter had found me a day and a half after the Volturi had left to go back to Italy and Ross had left to go back to Washington DC, hopefully to help with organising some help. But I was doubtful. Something was wrong with Bella and Clints transformation. It hadn't even been forty hours and their hearts were speeding up, coming to the end of the change. It was Bella's heart that started to speed up first, Clint's heart speed up not even an hour later, I had to wonder if they were connected somehow. I did wonder once Clint came in and demanded to be changed as well, if there was a deeper connection between them, that they could possibly be Mates. I would just ask Char once they woke from their transformation.

Peter, Char and I had made sure that we were well feed while Bella and Clint were changing, and made sure that if one of us couldn't be with the couple then we would ask either Rose or Emmett to watch over them.
Peter had suggested to them to go on another Honeymoon, and to try out an African Safari. He was just trying to find ways in which to get Emmett arrested for random ludicrous things.
Pete and Emmett had been doing this for a couple of decades so far, both Rose and Char hated it, as they had to come up with ways to get their husbands out of jail.

Two hours later Bella's heart beat it's last just for her to take a sharp breath in and bolt up off the bed. She bolted for the corner of the bedroom I had placed her in and stood there, scanning her surroundings. When she saw Clint was the first time I felt her emotions, she projected love and anxiety. Bella looked around again and saw Peter, Charlotte and I seemingly for the first time, paid us no mind and went back to fussing over Clint.
"They're definately Mates. She should be feral right now." Char said, drawing Bella's attention away, growling at Char.
"Bella, its just me Charlotte, do you remember me?" She asked the newborn. Bella stopped her possessive growling and just glared at Char for a second before launching herself into Charlottes arms, she pulled back and proceeded to make sure each of us were okay, before going back to check on Clint. Eight minutes and fourty-nine seconds later Clint woke, much the same way Bella did, Pete and I just looked at each other, and prepared ourselves for the attack, as we were close to Bella. But it seemed he, was not like a regular Newborn.

"Hey guys, whats going on? Whats with all the standing around?" Clint asked as he made his way over to Bella, Peter just looked at them both gobsmacked.
"Hunting, need to go hunting." Peter whispered out, I watched as Char just rolled her eyes.
"What do you want to hunt? Animals? Human?" I asked the two of them, they looked at each other. Clint was happy to try animal, but happy to take out Criminals.
"If feeding off animals contributed to the way Alice and Edward were, then I would rather feed off the criminal underworld." Bella said making her way out of the house. We still had her Uncle and Pepper in the house and so for their blood had not even registered with the two newborns. Pete and char took them out and showed them the ropes. I had to wonder if their gifts were just their control at this stage. I started on faking Bella and Clint's death's. Clint's car was out front and I had text Pete and asked him to find someone of Clint's build to place in his car, unfortunately this would have to fool at least S.H.I.E.L.D.

"I want to help, you need to fake their death's right? let me help you at least get past S.H.I.E.L.D." Tony said coming up to me. He seemed to need this.
"Sure, how do you think we will fool them? they do this shit for fun." I ask testing him. I already had an idea of what I was going to do. Tony and I seemed to be on the same page when it came to faking their deaths. Considering the amount of accidents that could happen in a big city such as New York we were just using that to our advantage.
Char came back with two bodies an hour later, letting us know the couple had taken to Vampirism like fish to water. Seemingly missing the newborn phase.

"Fury is suspicious by nature he seems to think nothing could be something, if we do this while they are trying to get all these systems up and running we have a better shot at getting it right, and succeeding. Now we have these remarkably similar bodies, we can get a move on." Tony said, suddenly in a rush.

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