Chapter 16

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Once I get back to the house, my darling brother's decided to corner me and hit me up about my decision about leaving for Italy once this battle finished.
"Can we please concentrate on organising a plan? From what I've seen and what I can remember, Thanos will be here any day now, and frankly, I for one would like to have an effective plan in place. So can we please focus here?" I asked them both. They both seemed to look down at their feet, ashamed.
Once everyone had come together and taken their seats, we all started working on our plans. I informed them of what happened last time, as much as I didn't want to be doing that, I had felt that it was necessary. Clint just sat in his chair, silent. Numerous times it seemed like he wanted to say something but ended up just shaking his head and staying quiet.
We spent nearly two days uninterrupted working on the plan since we did not need sleep, we could use those precious hours to work out all of the kinks in our project, making sure there was nothing left to chance. We were making sure that every single piece of information, that was still in my mind; was used.

Clint tried everything he could to persuade me to stay, but I couldn't, he needed to work on himself.
I also found out the kings were all related to me. Caius and Athenodora directly, since they were married when they were human and had children together, so they were my grandparents, where Aro and Marcus were uncles.
We were going to be going over all of our plans again when I felt like I wanted to vomit, it was with this feeling that I knew I had to leave my family, I had been talking to Clint at the time when I became overwhelmed with a sense of urgency.
"Clint, I've just got to shoot downstairs can you ask Marcus if I could borrow the book he was ready when he's finished." I smiled at him.
They already knew I had asked Jasper last time. He just nodded and walked out at a human pace down the hall.
I dove out the window and toward the Jet the Volturi had on stand by. I was not bothering to pack this time.
I had asked Felix to show me how to fly when he arrived with the other covens a few days ago. I made sure to pick it up rather quickly.

Once I managed to get in the air, I made my way towards Wakanda, following the feeling in my gut that was leading me there. Hours later, I landed the Jet on a small airstrip and changed into the clothes I hid in my' grandparent's room onboard, before making my way towards where I needed to be.
I wasn't going to make a mistake this time. Sitting in the dense forest, I waited. I waited for the firsts sign of Thanos arriving. I made sure to train with the Volturi elite when able when we were not going over plans.
So at least this time I had extra training to better take him down.
Three days later I saw the first sign of his arrival, and it was the same as it was last time, there was the red hue again, so I looked around and found him.
Creeping up behind him, with one of my grandfather's swords, I had found stashed in one of the compartments on the plane. I made sure to strike fast.
Cutting the gauntlet as well as the limb clean off before taking his head. Not giving him a chance to call down his minions.
I stayed in the area for another week, waiting and making sure that there would be nothing coming down. I was watching all Worldwide news to check if anything was happening on a global scale.

Once I could be sure. I refuelled the JJet and started my journey back home. I was hoping that nothing happened. Not that I had noticed anything while I was waiting for Thanos to arrive. Once I landed, I checked to make sure everything was in the correct place before going home. Not knowing what I was about to face when I arrived inside the house.
Before I get a chance to enter the house, I was meet with both of my grandparents and Jasper.
"Have a nice flight?" my grandfather asked me, with a broad smile gracing his face. My grandmother, on the other hand, looked murderous. Jasper seemed to be struggling between pride and arrogance.
"Yes, it was lovely. I picked up something little for you both." I smiled at them both sweetly, as I pulled out the gifts I had brought before I had gone hunting before I came back. Hoping this would be enough to get me off anything. I had stolen from the Volturi after all.
Handing over the gifts, I made a point to hug both Caius and Atherodora as well.
"I hope you don't think; this will excuse your behaviour, young lady," Athenodora asked me.
Putting on the best, Alice inspired, puppy dog face I could muster I answered.
"Of course not grandmother, I just wanted to give you something special," I said, looking at her. I could see Jasper out of the corner of my eye, trying not to laugh; he knew what I was doing.

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