I think I saw you in my sleep, Darling

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Authors note: PLEASE READ ME!!! Ok this is just an Intro, sorry it's soo long. It won't be this crazy long again, unless it's wanted. I just wanted to introduce Annabell as well as possible

Annabell's POV      

Looking in the mirror, I saw nothing but a disgusting freak. My skin a solid gray color, my eyes blood red, my tounge wasn't even normal, slit in the center. I touched the horns point out from my temples, and my gray tail whipped behind me angrily. I attempted to smile and got an eye full of sharp teeth, my smile dropped imeditaly. I took in a deep breath, I finally had enough energy and rest to use my powers, well natural ability I suppose. I closed my eyes on my nude gray body and focused on a pale skin tone, brown eyes, pink lips, and long blonde hair instead of my white short mess.

I opened my eyes and smiled at my new reflection. My horns and tail gone- for the moment. I kept my body type the same for the most part. My breasts were still on the larger side, my hips still wide, my face still soft looking with gentle features. I was still on the shorter side of the specturm. My teeth were normal now, and my skin actual flesh tone. My eyes no longer the creepy blood red but now a nice and even chocolate color. I looked at my body for a while longer, had I not been born a freak I would be far more attractive. I stuck out my tounge to see a nice, pretty, normal tounge. I looked at the dirt that still clung to my body, my cuts, scrapes and even bruises hidden since I didn't want them to stay.

Ok, yeah, I can change my shape and form and look. I know, sounds cool, right? I had thought so too when I was pretty young but mother taught me how wrong it truly is. Mother....I shook my head quickly, trying to dispell any sad thoughts. I was still nude and homeless, getting rather hungry too. I've been homeless for almost three years. At first, it  was easier than most, I could shift into people and go into kitchens pretending to be cooks and steal free food. Even scored some places but it turned sour pretty fast.

See, I can't take different forms for too long, not even this form since its in all entirety just my looks and body just different tone and a few hidden bits. I need proper energy and rest to stay in a form for more than 18 hours, on a good day. My body needs to rest it's ability to continue on. And this sleep depervation and added with the fact I constantly needed some type of conceler or else everyone would see what I was. What I am. A freak. And in these times, freaks and be killed for just walking the streets alone. I was lucky enough to be a female so is gives a little more hesitation in beatings but more towards rape. Lucky me. Sarcasm at it's finest.

So being homeless got harder and harder as time continued on, me having to hop from city to city. State to state. Exhaustion and starvation are now old buddies of mine and I learned to push past the pain of being in a different forms with little to eat- if I was lucky enough to eat that week- and lack of rest. Benches and parks arent very comfortable. And I can't hold shape while resting so I've woken up to beatings and the like. Now I managed to find myself in Jupiter Florida after catching a ride with a poof. Dont even ask what I did to get here.

I looked at the clothes I wore that I had placed beside me. It was night but I had found a mirror in a corner store I looked to see if any scars marred my skin. Ok, to see if mor scars marred it. I took off my clothes because they were torn and nasty and dirty. I looked in the mirror and then focused on clothes. A simple pink dress with a small black belt, the skirt half poofing out a tad like I see alot of girls wear. I opened my eyes and grinned when I saw myself wearing it in the mirror. I spinned, the dress flaring out slightly. I had learned to make clothes  too but it took a lot of focus. And once I stop conceling myself, the clothes vanish too.

Now I just need to find a lake or something to clean myself. Maybe I could get a job here, after all it's the 1950's. I can work, even get a decent job. As long as I can hide the fact I'm a freak. I looked at my small pile of dingy torn clothes and grabbed my sandals, then looked through my pokets. I mananged to swipe at least a few dollars from the poof who dropped me off here. He seemed pretty nice, I wonder why gay people gotten such a stigma. Maybe because, like freaks, they're missunderstood? Eh, I guess it doesn't matter, it don't affect me none.

I began walking around, trying to ignore the grumbling of my stumache. I may have just enough energy to transform on but it wasn't enough to hold it and definetly not enough to curb my hunger. I only had this much energy since I had actually slept. And I ate an engery bar a few days ago. The streets were empty, not even a stray animal outside. Odd.

I turned the corner, noticing a bar with a few drunken guys littered infront of it. Ok, maybe I should've taken the face of a man. I could sense trouble from there but then I noticed two people walking towards me, few feet away from the bar. They weren't really walking towards me but just walking in my general direction and for them, that was straight ahead. It was a man and a woman, but my eyes fell on the man. I feel like I know him. His leather hat, the weird gloves and the leather jacket. I just shook my head, I'm being silly.

I continued straighted ahead, and they walked past me as I was almost infront of the bar. Danger made my nerves alerted as I looked behind me at the man and woman. They turned the corner before my gaze could fully set on them. In my moment of distraction, the strong overbearing sent of burbon invaded my senses and I looked in time to see one of the guys stand infront of me, the others migrated elsewhere. Probably back in the bar. "Wh're yew goin' bootiful?" He slurred, swaying on his feet.

My nerves went haywire, I had to focus hard on keeping my dress and skin tone now. I roll my eyes and go to side step around him but his large hand grabbed my wrist. "I waz askiin yew a qeushtion, lil giirl. It'z rude noot to anzwer." He snapped, his lazy glazed stare glued to my face. I could feel his fat fingers dig into my wrist. "None of your damn beezwax." I reply coldly and I saw anger flash in his sluggish gaze.

"Fuck'n beetch. Hav'n't yew eveah heardda mannerz?" He snapped, yanking be harshly by my wrist and I fell backwards. What, he's really strong. Plus I'm kinda weak from lack of food and water. I could feel my comoflauge flutter, causing my true looked to flash before his eyes for a moment. Maybe he'll be too drunk to notice. "What the fu'k waz that?" He yelled at me, dropping the glass in his hand. Shock took his feature then disguist then anger and before I got the chance to open my mouth, his foot was colliding with my stoumache painfully. "You aint one of them freaks iz you?"  he slurred as his foot collided with my gut the first time.

I curled around the foot as best as I could to lessen the blow but it still hurt enough to leave me gasping in pain. My camoflauge dropped, and I looked up at him with fear. Naked and I look like the freak I am. Wonderful. I looked up at the man as he scowled. "Fu'k freak prowling th streets!" He slurred, kicking me more and more. My vision swam, and my body was in so much pain I didn't even notice the kicking stopping. I didn't even hear my rescuer shouting. "Hey! You dont treat a lady like that!" If I had I'd probably tell him I wasnt a lady, just an unholy freak of nature but I hadn't.

I could hear muffled voices talk above me before I saw blurry shoes infront of my face. I could slighty feel a hand over my shoulder as I lay shaking, naked, and in pain infront of strangers. The stranger the stood close to my face kneeled and turned me over. "Miss? You ok?" I could barely make out. I looked at him and it was the man who i noticed wiuth the woman earlier. Now I know where I reconized him! A shakey hand of mine and reached up to touch his cheek as the dizziness began to take over.

 "I think I saw you in my sleep, darling..," I mumbled before a puzzeled look took his handsome features. Finally the dizziness took over and I passed out.

I'm a Mangled Promise, Jimmy Darling. American Horror Story FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now