Stitching up the seams on broken promises

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Annabell's POV

"Annabell..." Jimmy said, probably getting the feel of my name. "I like it." He smiled and winked. I couldn't help but blush harder. "Thanks for letting me borrow your clothes." I reply, motioning to my body. His eyes trailed my body, causing me to shift awkwardly under his gaze. I wish I was strong enough to hide this stupid skin tone. He probably thinks my eyes are weird...

My tail was straight, stiff and pointing to the ground. I hoped he didnt notice my horns. I've never really had a conversation, or a descent one anyway, without at least hiding my oddities. And now they were all out and in the open. "It's no problem, I can barely fit those pants anyway." He smiled at me again. I looked behind him and there stood a pretty blonde girl with bright red lips and her hair done up. I could see faint disgust in her eyes, like she was trying to hide it. Jimmy glanced behind him and stepped to the side slightly. "Annabell, this is Maggie, our fortune teller. Maggie, this is Annabell, the girl me and Elsa helped save." He introduced us.

Maggie continued to stare at me for a moment later than huffed and walked off. Did she see my past? Is that why she was disgusted. Jimmy's eyebrows pulled together, watching her walk off. But my stumache took this moment to growl once again and he looked over at me. "When's the last time you ate?" Jimmy asked. I shifted awkwardly and mumbled. "I didn't catch that." He said. "Um I ate an energy bar a little while ago." I said clearly. He didn't have to know how long ago that was.

"Well, lets get some grub before we go to talk to Elsa, huh?" Jimmy replied, already leading me back into the trailer. He went straight for the fridge and I walked over to his bed, and sat down. I glanced out the window, wondering what time it was, it was clearly around midday and I wondered how long I was out. For the rest of the night and morning obviously and I looked back over to Jimmy as he dug through the fridge. "Look, it may be noon but it's never too late for bacon and eggs right?" He asked as he showed me a thing of eggs and bacon. I smiled, it's been soooo long since I had bacon, well meat of any kind that wasn't thrown out or stolen.

"Of course not, such thought's are foolish." I joked, smiling at him. Jimmy smiled brightly and put the bacon on the counter, holding the eggs out towards me. "I'll cook the bacon while you mix up the eggs? You like your eggs scrambled I hope." He looked at me hopefully. "Not every paticular with my foods." I chuckle. "As long as it tastes decent and isn't fish." I smiled. "You don't like fish?" Jimmy asked, grabbing a bowl from the cabnet.I shook my head no. It was mothers favorite, I couldn't eat it after she passed...

"I'm sorry to hear that. How did she pass?" Jimmy asked,simpathy in his eyes. I looked over at him surprised. "I'm sorry, did I say that out loud?" I replied. "Well,yeah. I can't exactly read minds." He joked with a light smile. I blushed and looked down. "You don't gotta tell me if you dont want to." He assured me,placing a hand on my shoulder. the warmth of his hand soaked through the tee shirt and my eyes wondered too his hand. I saw his big hand, it looked odd on my shoulder. Not because of his finger fused together but the difference in out skin colors, his tan hand making my skin seem more ashen gray. His hand suddenly retreated like I slapped him and I looked at Jimmy. His cheeks pink and his attention suddenly glued to cracking the eggs.

"Sorry if that bothered you." Jimmy mumbled. My eyebrows pulled together and I looked at him intensely. "It just surprised me is all Jimmy. I didn't mind at all." I replied. He blushed harder and handed me the bowl of uncooked eggs after adding a few more. Jimmy handed me a spoon as well, to mix it. I grabbed them from his hands, mixing then as I watched him rab a skillet to start on the bacon. We stood on a comfortable silence as he fried the bacon and I finished mixing then eggs. I stood next to him as he flipped the bacon, the smell of breakfast quickly filled the air.

I grabbed a pan, putting a decent glob of butter in them pan as I turned my side of them oven on. Jimmy looked over at me, our shoulders touching. "Aren't you going to season it?"He asked, watching me pour the eggs into the pan after the butter melted. "Of course, just watch and learn, darling." I laughed,smiling up at him. Jimmy rolled his eyes but glanced at me every time I made a reach for the cabinets, lightly adding different spices and herbs and seasons as I found them. Basiel, little pepper, salt, simple things I knew.


Authors note. IMPORTANT so I'm visiting my grandfather for a few weeks and he doesn't have internet so until I find a library or something I'll be updating on my cell which is why the chapters won't be very long. Sorry, I will try to update more though to make up for them not long chapters. Please work with me since he's sick and needs someone here while my brothers away on business and I'm then only other one who can deal with his crazy antics lol

I'm a Mangled Promise, Jimmy Darling. American Horror Story FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now