Mangled Smile

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Annabells POV

Next day

Since today is my day off, I decided to just stay in my trailer. I really just didn't feel like dealing with people today, or just anything really. I like solitude sometimes, its calming then the world. I quickly make myself a cup of coffee and just as I lay back into the warm, comforting arms of my bed and blanket, I hear a knock at the door. Before I get the chance to even sit up, the door is open and Jimmy walks in like he owns the place. I watch when warily as he closes the door behind himself. Usually I'm the one to apologize after arguments but if he's willing admit he's wrong who am I not to listen?

You were in the wrong too.

Shut up.

I stare as he walks in and sits at the edge of my bed, near my stomach. Jimmy looks nervous, licking his lips and letting he's leg bounce. Cute. After a few moments of silence, I open my mouth to say something to cut the tension in the air but Jimmy beats me to it. "Look, Anna, you know I hate it when we argue right? And I'm sorry for usually taking Maggie's side but-" he pauses, searching for the right words before letting out a small frustrated groan. Our eyes meet and he continues.

"I won't do it again. I can't stand you being mad at me, lets just make up please. I don't like fighting with you. You're my best friend."

Right. Friend. Ugh.


Sigh, I'll take what I can get.

I smile slightly at him and budge his shoulder with a hand I pull from out the cocoon of blankets. "You owe me hot chocolate and sugar cookies. Then we'll be fine." I say cheekily. Jimmy grinned his kilowatt smile and chuckled. "Perfect timing for hot chocolate actually. It's snowing." He states, smiling wide. I couldn't stop the gasp of disbelief that came from me and I rushed to my trailer door. One problem though, I had completely forgotten I was wrapped tightly in blankets.

When I shot up from the bed to the ground, I struggled to try to free myself from my blankets only to get tangled more. My torso and arms had gotten free with no problem but my legs just became tangled even more. I closed my eyes tightly, expecting the impact of my cold floor only for it to never come. I opened one eye hesitantly to meet the amazing eyes of who else? Jimmy Darling. He stared at me with amusement shining in his eyes as I squirmed in his arms, still trying to free myself from the blankets.

Only, somehow I managed to hurt my tail from my frantic movements and stopped immediately, letting out a whimper of pain. Pain raced from my tail up my spine and through my whole body.


I mean ouch

I feel like I was cut open without pain killers because godddamn!

Nope. No. Can't do it. Im never moving again.

"Are you ok?" Jimmy asks when he notices how stiff I became.  With my eyes squeezed shut and small pained breaths leaving my chest as I keep my jaw clenched shut to stop my noises of pain controlled. I feel Jimmy gently removing the blankets from my lower half after shifting me in his lap which just caused more pain.

I'm going to cry this hurts so much.




I'm such a drama queen. But this really does  hurt. Bad. Not as bad as when I broke my tail before but really really bad.

I was so sucked up in my pain I didn't notice when Jimmy had untangled me from my blankets until I felt him turning me over in his arms. I went to protest but he merely shushed me and I was on my stomach. I blushed as I could feel his eyes on my tail, trying not to move it and possibly send more pain through my body.

I glared at the floor wuth a blush spreading across my face. Technically, Jimmy was staring at my bum. Not that I mind. Stare away. You can touch too. Actually, there's alot I'd let you do, lobster boy. Alot I'd do to you too.



What the cheesesticks Annabell?

Calm your self. Forreal.

Don't think of such things in a moment of such distress, even if it is sexy thoughts.


Bet he's yummy.


Woah there girl!

I felt Jimmy carefully hold my tail in one hand, the other gently probed at the base of my tail. I couldn't help the hiss of pain as I bit my bottem lip. Jimmy immediately stopped his poking and he shifted under me. "Anna, I'm going to lay you on the bed real quick ok? Imma grab an ice pack to stop it from swelling but I don't think it's broken, I'll be right back." Jimmy tells me softly.

I'm a Mangled Promise, Jimmy Darling. American Horror Story FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now