Chapter 13: Emerald

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           "Give me a reason why I shouldn't cut your throat."

The tightly dressed thin woman slammed her hand onto the table and leaned in close to the manager looking him in the eye with a stare of death, her chestnut hair with a long blonde streak on the left side slowed down right below her shoulder bones, she had bags under her eyes and her hair was in a floofy unaddressed state, multiple knifes hung themselves around her uniform and a gun lay in its holster on the left side of her waist. Her bright green eyes turned to a dull and tired hazel from overwork and chemical exposure, taking no bullshit she had tracked down the specific whistleblower in her team in a matter of minutes and was allowing him to explain himself for his supposed treason.

"They said they were with you, there wore long white coats and their faces were hidden, they used our code with minimal flaws and they promised me a life I couldn't refu-"

She jabbed him hard in the stomach, leaning down to whisper in his ear.

"What about your wife and two children?" She asked in a calm, scary voice. Her eyes had a gleam and her gaze was piercing his soul as her question rang in the room.

"I have a new love. My old wife never loved me, she will take care of me."

Monika grabbed him by the neck and threw him into the floor, looking down with a face of anger and disgust. She took out her cell phone and dialed the number she was given at an earlier time while looking to an agent by her side.

"Take him to interrogation then release him in another country, I don't want me or anyone I know to see him." She muttered with a frown on her face. The agent who she spoke to nodded and walked over to the man, locking him in steel tight handcuffs and pressing into her ear to talk to her partner. As she walked away, criminal in hand Monika ruffled her hair until it was in a fluffy state and hit call on her phone, she placed the phone to her ear and tapped her foot on the ground until the receiving person answered the call.


"Hi, I was told to call this number when I had free time?"

"Ah yes, Monika! We're very glad you called! We wanted to let you know that a dimensional rift is opening in eight days at 5:46 PM behind the central train station! This opens the world to what you're looking for...Anyway, have a nice day!"

The phone sounded its signature beeping noise saying that the other person had hung up. Her mouth was slightly ajar and her eyes wide, the calm wind had somewhat picked up making itself known with loud bellows of wild leaves flying near her face. The temperature had dropped to a comfortably chilly environment and she could hear more civilians beginning to walk by the small shop she was standing in.

That's right. She was standing here, waiting. She finally was able to get everything that she wanted and fulfill the mission she had created the emeralds for.

To see him again.

She quickly ran out of the building and sprinted to her ride, jumping into the passenger seat she looked the driver in the eye with a gleam of happiness and determination.


And that he did. Speeding along the one way road they began to make their way back to base, a smile plastered on Monika's face for the first time in a very long while. The sunshine bright along the road and buildings, pictures of his face ram through her mind. His kind smile and inquisitive attitude, his love for the three other girls who loved him so and of course me who he held very highly in his mind as some sort of idol that I wasn't, however, I loved being treated as such. Then I remembered the other side of how I thought about him, I giggled and my face turned red as I remembered how I celebrated his existence...

A New Place (A Doki Doki Crossover Story) Installment:1Where stories live. Discover now