30 Pt.2 ❤️

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"They took advantage of me and there was nothing I could do. I feel so disgusting and ashamed for letting that happen." I said wiping my tears. "You shouldn't feel ashamed there was nothing you could do. I'm sorry I wasn't there. I promise you I'm not gon let nothing happen you Autumn." He replied. "Are you hiding something from me ?" I asked looking at him. "No. What makes you think I'm hiding something ?" He asked confused. "When I was at your house you and Sean were downstairs talking and I heard you say to him that you didn't want a war with YNH because y'all have two strikes and wasn't supposed to come back. What's that about ?" I asked. He sighed running his hand over his face. "The reason we left in the first place was because we did some real fucked up shit. There was this man who owed us money and he was a real rich nigga..he was a lawyer and he had a brother who was a police officer. The lawyer was also a addict so we gave him drugs for free every once in awhile but he had a tab that he never paid. One night me and Sean were chilling smoking and shit so he got the idea to go to dude house and break in. My stupid ass agreed because obviously I wasn't gon let him go alone we get into the house and we get the lawyer. We beat him up and shit but Sean felt like that wasn't enough so he killed him. His daughter and wife were also in the house and I promise to god I didn't mean to do what I did..I shot  and killed his 10 year old daughter. I was high off weed and pills not in my right mind, she came out her room terrified as I was walking down the hall and I shot her. That shit haunts me everyday, I think about it everyday. After that we ran out the house but at that time we didn't know his wife was there so she snitched of course. The cop is a dirty cop and made it be known that if we got caught we would get the death penalty so we dipped outta Chicago and went to LA." He explained. I could tell the whole situation really hurt him. "So how did y'all not get caught in Cali ?" I asked curious. "We changed everything. That's why we didn't keep in contact with anybody. Sean kept in contact with Karina of course but me, I had nobody." He replied. "You had me. Your secrets are safe with me." I said looking into his eyes. "I wanted to pick up the phone and call you so bad but I couldn't risk it. We came back because we missed our home and Sean missed Karina and his daughter. We came back without telling anybody..it's some people who still think we're in LA." He said. "So what about the cop ? What if he catches y'all ?" I asked. "Me and Sean got it covered. You don't have anything to worry about baby." He said kissing my head. Baby ? I decided not to say anything about him calling me and just let it slide. "I'll be back later ima go see Sean and link with Prime and them. You can take my Jeep since your car isn't here maybe you can get Karina out." He said giving me his keys walking out.
Once I got to the hospital walked in Sean's room, he laid there still not awake. "Damn." I mumbled sitting by his bed. I was hoping he would be up and talking when I walked in. His doctor walked in looking at his clipboard then at me. "Well we did the surgery and everything went well. I have high hopes for him and I'm 90% sure he'll make it. Now he will have to take it slow when he wakes up and he's going to need a lot of bedrest, if he's on his feet moving around too much it can cause damage to the stitches on his stomach. He won't be able to eat any solid foods for a while so things like applesauce, mashed potatoes, yogurt, even ice cream will be fine. Smoothies are also okay. He's gonna have to do that for about 5 weeks. Going up and down the stairs also isn't a good idea and can ruin the stitches. Any questions ?" He said. "Do you know exactly when he'll get up ?" I asked. "That all depends on him and his body. He's no longer unresponsive so he hears everything and can respond by moving. For example, Sean if you can hear me move your fingers for me." He said. I watched as his fingers twitched letting us know he could hear. "So he's aware your here but him waking up all depends on his body, I do believe he'll wake up before the day is over. Now when he wakes up he's definitely gonna be sore and want to rip all the tubes off him because he's gonna be freaked out but other then that he's gonna he just fine." The doctor explained. "Ight thanks." I said as he walked out. "See I knew yo ass was a solider." I said to Sean making him move his fingers. "I need you to wake up so we can take yo ass home to Karina and Imani. Karina ass wouldn't even come out my guest room this morning and Imani talked about you the whole time we ate breakfast." I laughed. I watched as a small smile formed and he moved his fingers again.
I sat at Red Lobster with Kianna, Jae, Karina, Imani, and Crystal having lunch. "Sooo what's new ?" Kianna asked smiling. "Me and Ghost broke up, I was right about him cheating." Crystal said. "Whatttt how you find out ?" I asked. "I caught his ass laid in our bed with Angel." She said. I choked on my drink shocked but at the same time not shocked cause I mean shit Angel a hoe. "Omg you lying." I said. "Nope beat her ass and bleached his clothes and PlayStation in the tub then I made sure to key his car. And that's not even all the tea he admitted to Tremaine that the baby ain't his." She explained. "So Ghost is the Papi ? Lord this some jerry springer shit." Jae said. "Tremaine whopped his ass after he found out too." Crystal added. "So the whole time he wasn't even the daddy but wanted me to kill my baby ? Goofy ass nigga." I said shaking my head. "What's going on between you and Dre ?" Karina asked smiling. "Ooo yes give me the tea." Jae added. "Nothing is going on, we're just friends." I smiled thinking about him. "Girl please yo ass like him." Kianna said making the girls laugh. "You special, Dre don't give a fuck about no female you and I both know that but I can tell he got a soft spot for you." Karina said. Everything she said was true, I've known Dre almost my whole life so I know how he plays with females but he doesn't treat me like any other female he treats me so different. "Fine I do like him I'm just waiting for him to make a move." I admitted. I have deep feelings for Dre and all but I refuse to make the first move but if it's meant to be it'll be. I guess I just gotta see what happens.

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