What is With the Key?! ♥

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"A key?" I asked, completely confused. Kendall chuckled.

"It goes to somewhere in the house." Kendall said.

"So what? I'm suppose to go walking all around the house, checking each door." I said.

"Yup." Kendall said and he left the room. "Hurry up! We leave for dinner with my family at six!" Kendall called. I rolled my eyes and got out of bed. Kendall peeked his head in again. "Oh and that is just part one of your gift. You get part two at dinner." Kendall said and he left. I heard the front door open and close indicating that Kendall left the house.

"What does this man have planned?" I asked myself as I got dressed. He said dinner wasn't until six so and it is only nine thirty in the morning so I just put on some sweats and one of Kendall's old shirts.

I grabbed the key and started on the doors upstairs. I went to each one to see if any of them are locked, but none were. I walked down the stairs. There has to be some room locked. There wasn't many rooms down here. Just the living room, kitchen, dining room, and Kendall's home studio. There was an extra room, but Kenneth uses that room when he comes to visit. I walked past the kitchen to the hall that leads to Kendall's studio. Kenneth's is right across the hall.  I noticed something was on the door next to the studio. I have never seen this door before. How did I not see it? There was a note on the door.


Happy birthday love! You are probably very confused with this room. Yes, this room has always been here I just didn't have a use for it, but now I do. You have been saying lately that you wish you could do the art that you use to before moving to California and I think that you should have that chance. I know you can do so much and I can't wait to see you do it. I hope you like your new room.

See you tonight

Love, Kendall

I turned the door nob to the room and it was locked. I stuck the key into it and the door unlocked. I slowly opened the door and stepped inside.

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