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I'm so sad!!! Naruto is over!!! Well the manga is. I won't tell you what happened cause it might be spoilers if you don't read it. But seriously it sucks. What am I going to do now that it's over? 😩😭😭😭 I'm still gonna check every week cause I'm in denial. I refuse to believe that Naruto is over.


I grew up watching Naruto and then eventually I started reading the manga too. All of my brothers watched it and I loved watching it with them. It's my favorite anime/manga and it always will be. Naruto will forever be in my heart. It's part of what made me who I am today. I love the whole story and everything about it. Thank you to Masashi Kishimoto for sharing such a great story with us all.
~Kelly ^.^

Song: My Heart Will Go On by Celine Dion

P.S. I thought this song really summed up my emotions for the ending of Naruto. Anyways bye!!! For now!!!

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