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* beep beep beep || 6:30am * ahh morning alarm, the last year i am going to high school please let this year be a good one *sigh*

well, i should get ready and do my morning routine first

- 30 minutes -

" Appa!! " where is this old lovely man "excuse me mrs.jung but where's appa?" i ask the maid "oh Y/N , your appa just went to work 10mins ago. He told me to remind you to eat your medicine on time and before you go to school"

ugh eating medicine is like eating a poison apple

I smile at her "oh don't worry i'll eat my medicine after im having my breakfast, thanks for reminding"

- After breakfast || 7:24am -

I check my phone to know wht time is it but my eyes caught smth else and it is my wallpaper with my fiance chan, i smile to myself like an idiot remembering him..

i wonder if he miss me like i miss him, uh i almost forgot the souvenir that i bought for him from france.

I ran upstairs and get the souvenir that i bought for chan then went downstairs to go to school.


As i arrived at school, i could see many other student squealing and happy to see their friends while im stuck in the middle of hallway hearing my name being called.

"Y/N AHHHHHH!!!" am i hearing things? I turn to my back and saw nayeon pushing other student to come over my way "YAH Y/N ARE U DEAF GIRL? ENOUGH OF HEART CONDITION AND NOW YOU ARE DEAF WOW!?"

"Sorry bunny, im not deaf just fascinating seeing other student hugging and being all happy with their friends" i chuckled "blablabla. enough of them im here already! your bestfriend is already HERE!" she babbling

"yes yes! i know no need to raise your voice im here in front of you not 100miles away" i said while looking around to search for chan "you know how i am when i get excited just seeing you!.. wait- did you wait for someone? perhaps, is it chan mr.fiance?" she smirked.

This girl is really sure something but.. whatever. Just as i was about to argue the school rings

"Yah! kaja before we arrive late" nayeon said and i just nod and walk to class hoping that chan has arrived there


Mrs.choi has arrived where is he? is he going to be absent on the first day of opening school? let's just wait-

"Alright class, welcome back to school! I hope you guys stay focus this year cause this year you are graduating-" the door swing open, cutting off what Mrs.choi saying omo there he is "I see youre late Mr.bang"

He just ignore what mr.choi said and sit in the back row but who care? he still look attractive even he's kinda rude i don't know what happened to the old chan that i know, all i know is i still love him

"So back to what i was saying, stay focus and be successful and i have a good news this week youre preparing for school reopening festival we are to discussed and form a group to work with. Let's start" Mrs.choi said

Everyone has been called to form group and work with smth, the last 2 group that are called was.. "Jihyo, Woojin, Y/N and.." please be chan! please be chan! "..Chan you are going to prepare for the class decoration and plan something interesting that can attract the judges" yes! i finally can be with him

..and the rest of period we plan for the school reopening festival

- Lunch -

I have to find chan and give this to him I look around for him and saw some girl surround that one table and without me knowing my feet dragging me to that table and saw chan with his friend woojin, lee know and changbin

What hurts me is that he didn't even notice me his "fiance" standing here watching girls drool over them especially chan and he act like he didn't bother about them let's just be positive, he's the school famous guy in school what can i say? I smile and step forward

"Chan-ah long time no see, i mis-" i was cut off by his glare "sorry not sorry, we just met like 5days ago, what do you want?" he asked with stern voice

I smile "I just wanna give this to you.. I hope you like it" I give him the small box and he open it "what is this? are u sure this is gift not u proposing me?"

I chuckled nervously "I bought it from France and no, im not proposing you or what its just a promise ring"

Im shock on what he did to my gift for him, he...


aigoo, my STARS this is a surprise chapter and im sorry if its bad <3 im sorry if its a long-ass chapter. i'll post more dont worry! and sorry for the cliffhanger babies ;) thats how life work sksk

 i'll post more dont worry! and sorry for the cliffhanger babies ;) thats how life work sksk

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A/N 🍉

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