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im sorry for not posting anything <3 i'll be sitting for big exam this year so i dont really have time to post, i mostly having more and more hws also im doing past year paper too - im really sorry >:((  but dont worry here ya goo !! i post early since we recently start our school holiday due to corona virus :((


there are less than a month until our graduation and the school seems busy with examination also preparation for the graduation.

but that didn't bother me, what bother me is why is chan seems avoiding me all the time i ask about our third date?

if he want to avoid me, oh well two can play games

i'll just hang around with woojin then since nayeon is visiting her grandparents.

"woojin-ah did you know what chan been doing lately? he barely reply nor pick up my calls and he also ignoring me" sighing

"maybe he's busy preparing for the examination?" he ask back

"yeah right" i pout and went outside to take a fresh air since its still break time

i sat on the bench near the garden while enjoying the smells of flowers "ahh~ this is relaxing"

while humming to a song and relaxing, i heard a sound of people arguing

".....please, i know you still love me"

as a busybody person i am , i continue to listen to their convo but not until i heard a familiar voice

"please give me some time, i don't want to hurt anybody's feelings not you and not her also not even myself"


i cannot hear anymore furthermore i might misunderstood him again, i'll just ask him later.

* a f t e r c l a s s *

when the school bell rings, i instanly pack my things ready to catch up with chan

i walk with fast pace to the school gate saw him "CHAN" he didn't hear me  "CHAN" ohmy i might lose my voice "BANG CHRISTOPHER CHAN"

"wh-what?" he turn around and saw me finally

i catch up with him "hey, how have you been? are you busy lately?"

"haha yeah, kinda" he rub his neck "ah okay then, what about our third date?" i look at him in the eyes

"um about that.." he start "you can't?" i cut him off "no no it's not that- it's just-" he struggle to find a words to complete his sentence

"okay- let's have it this weekend? are you okay with that?" he asked unsure "yes, of course!" i smile brighthly

"alright, i'll sent you home" he said "sure!"

* one day before the date *

Ahh im bored should i call nayeon to hangout? let's just try

BunnyNayeon 🐰❤

> hey bunny!
> are you free today? im bored :((

hey y/n baby! <
oh im sorry, i have yo accompany my mom for her appointment :((<

> that's okay, see u then! i 'll just ask woojin to accompany me :3

sure! sorry again, bye! <3 <

now let's try to sent woojin a message..

Engaged Again ( BangChan FF ) ✔️✔️Where stories live. Discover now