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"Y/N!!" i heard someone shout my name, i startled and almost collapsed good thing i calm a little bit

i swirl around and chan appear in front of me holding my wrist

"yes?" i ask smilling at him "you still don't give me answer" he said softly

"i - uhm.." gulping should i give him chance? i mean this is the first time we fight "let's meet at CB cafe after school maybe i'll consider about this" smilling at him

"sure, for now let's go to class together" he said dragging me still holding my wrist

he.. change? i smile thinking about it

- A F T E R S C H O O L -

we order our dessert and drinks, by now we're seated on the corner of the cafe

"so.." he started "apologise accepted"

"YES- YOU DON'T KNOW HOW-" before he start to get more excited and babbling i cut him off "easy there" i laugh

"but.. you have to show me that you really change, take me to three dates" i state to him

he stare at me before chuckling "sure" just then our orders came, i thank the waiter and he goes back to the counter

i didn't realise that the time goes by, we've been sitting in this cafe for two hours talking comfortably

chan.. he start opening up to me, giving me more detail about his father, why he change and how he feels about me from the first time we meet until now

im glad he open up to me, he said that he will take me on our first official date as his fiance this saturday.

"let's go, you father might kill me for keeping you for 1 hour late from being at home. i'll take you home" he laugh

this is the soft chan that i miss i smile and nod

- H O M E -

"appa im home!" i said slipping off my shoes "ahh my daughter finally home, why are you late? did something happened?" he asked worried

"aish appa, it's nothing i just need to sort some things with chan and he even walked me home" i said blushing slightly

"omo!! you guys finally getting along? that's so sweet, so how was it?" he ask curiously following me to the living room, sitting across me

"appa it's not a date" i chuckle "but.. we will have our date this saturday" i smile softly

"that's great! i'll extend your time, get home before midnight okay?" he said excitedly "appa you are funny, we're just taking this slow maybe go out for dinner also to park perhaps"

"alright, since you are late let's have dinner first then you can go freshen up" he said while demanding me to the kitchen


GrumpyChan 🐺💙

> did u went to your room safely?

you are funny, of course <

> just wanna make sure you're safe and sound ;)

yeah, don't worry <
actually my father ask why im late and all but i've already explained it to him <

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