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"uh-oh i didn't know that, you're so pretty" i said with heart eyes its okay she said "old"

"thank you, you are.. pretty.. too and soft? " she said more like a question, eyeing me up and down

i smile "its noth-" chan cut me off "okay that's it- no more talks, what are you doing here actually ryujin?" he ask

"i was looking for you, there's this one booth that say if we get in together we will be in a happy relationship and long last" she said

i look at her shock "re.. lation.. ship..?" she look at me and back at chan "yes ofc! me and chan will go there, beside you guys are engaged just because of your parents choice not yours.. right chan?" still linking her arm with chan

"oh then, have fun" turning my heels to turn around, i feel stinging pain on my heart i should've known that they are still together, okay breath in breath out, breath in breath ou-

"We're back!" jihyo said "oh just in time, i need a fresh air too" i said basically running to the main event be held which is the school field

i should forgot about all these chan's matter, i should have fun  a bit there's no need to worry.. chan is my fiance im sure i'll win him back but wait... where is nayeon?

i should go look for her

- 25 MIN -

where in the world is this girl- oh icecream! i went there..

"I want one mint icecream please, her-" before i handed him a money, there money shoved in front of the icercream parlor

"and one vanila for me, my treat" he wink at me "woojin.." i smile at him "THANKYOU!!"

he chuckled "you're cute" i blushed and take my icecream

I found a bench and sit there, eating my icecream peacefully until woojin sat in front of me "why are you alone?"

"Im not alone, im here with my icecream and.. you" i giggle "huh funny, where's chan? he should be with you and fyi, he should meet us 8 at the basketball court"

i look down and stare blankly before smilling "he's showing his old friend or old girlfriend" i play with my hand

"wait- who?" he ask "ryujin.."

"what?! i didn't know she came back, where are they??" he asked getting excited "idk ryujin said they'll go to this one booth that will lead their relationship last long and bring happiness"

"i should find them, but hey are you okay being alone?" he ask when he realised his action, i smile reassuring him with a nod

"i'll just have to call nayeon since i couldn't find her earlier, you can go" i wave at him

I guess its just you and me finishing the last bit of my icecream

B u n n y' n a y e o n 🐰💞

hey bunbun, where are you? <
i've been searching for you.. <

> hey!! i almost forgot about you im sorry!!
> we got 1 hour left before the teacher announce we have to pack things up
> im sorry..

It's okay! thats enough for both of us <

> alright then meet me at the school park! bye see ya! she said excitedly
> iloveyou!!

i chuckled sure, iloveyoutoo <


as i arrived at the school park, i stop in track when i saw chan, woojin, lee know and changbin goofing around with ryujin

i smile, and someone covered my eyes "guess who"

i fake guess "hmm this must be my great great grandma" she instantly hit me playfully and pout "how could you!" i giggle "im sorry, youre too cute"

"who's.. that?" she ask when i turn around i saw them "oh that.. their old friend maybe? they look so happy, i admired their friendship" i smile looking at them

"eh- still not strong as our friendship, anyway let's go!"

with that we enjoy each other company for about an hour, so far there's nothing bad happened to me.. but

its still hurt my heart, seeing them together


A/N 🍓
hey this is just a filler since im lack of ideas and im sorry its just a short chapter :')

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