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2 chapters in a row ≧∇≦


2days later..


ahh after being in the hospital for a day and half i finally can go to school, today is the festival im so excited but at the same time.. i feel bad for not participating on the preparation..

as soon as i arrived at the school gate i already see many students with different clothes

i was walking through the hallway of lockers when i heard a conversation from there, as a curious girl i am i eavesdrop them whatcan you say? curiosity kills you hehe

"oppa i heard that you've engaged with someone? who is this lucky girl?" she said she sound unfamiliar?? engaged? there is only 2 pair of couple that have engaged 1 me and chan 2 jungkook and chaeyoung.. but jungkook and chaeyoung has transfer to oversea? is it..

"yeah just an arrange engagement by my father.." his voice.. its too familiar..

"awh too bad i can't be with you, i was planning on having you to give me a tour in this school since on monday i'll be transferring here" okay im curious lets take a flash peek

chan.. and who is this girl?? i better get going before getting caught and feeling more jealous

i smile and walk past them, i saw how chan straightening his posture and glance at me while the girl being all touchy

- C L A S S R O O M -

"GUYS!!" i shout as i walk into the classroom , it went quiet for a sec..

they must think im crazy, i just discharged from the hospital last night..

"Y/N!!!!!!!!!!!!!" nayeon voice echo the whole classroom, here she goes again

i smile and hug her "i miss you!! are feeling okay now??" while checking me with worry expression

"yes mommy!" i tease and giggle "yah don't be like that-" she pouted, i smile and link arm with her, went to woojin and jihyo

"im sorry for not helping you guys, i really wanna do smth and not be useless" i feel embarrassed for some reason, jihyo smile sweetly  and warmly "its okay, we have finish the decoration for class, now you only need to attract other people to come to our class so that they can see our hardworking also come to see our classmate booths and.. oh, can i get maybe 1/2 hour with daniel? i promise i'll come back later"

i nodded eagerly "ofc you can! you have been preparing this with woojin and "maybe" chan too, you deserve a break also you too woojin" i smile at them "great!" they both say in unison

after few minutes, people start gathering in our class and checking out every booth that we have.

just in time i smile warmly at him, he just ignore my presence and sit at the corner of the room watching people come and go

while staring at him i notice something odd is that a cut on his lips? his pretty lips look dry, maybe i should lend him my lip balm and ask what happened

I search for my lip balm on my sling bag found it! I walk confidently to him and give the lip balm to him while he just stare like im some potato alien from another planet

"use this, your lips look likes its about to crack.. what.. happened to.. you?" i ask and almost whispered at end of the question

"I don't need it, save it for yourself and dont mind me" okay let's try put it on for him I open the lid of lip balm and hold his chin firmly while putting on the lip balm

"what are yo-" i cutt him off "just.. stay still, im sorry if its hurt" he hissed and i almost burst into tears seeing him like this no i can't cry he must think im not strong enough for him

what i didn't know is that he's been staring at my eyes the whole time, and he realise that a tear has rolled down my eye "hey, dont cry im not hurt. i'll stay still" he comfort

i quickly back away and give the lip balm to him while wipping the tear off "im.. sorry.. just wear this 3 times a day so that-"

"OPPA!" i turn to the source of voice.. thats the girl from earlier..

i smile at her and she frown at me while grabbing chan arm "oppa? who is this?" she raise her eyebrow

wow she's pretty no wonder chan didn't push her away "Im bae y/n. Y/N, chan-"

"my fiance" chan continue my word, i smile at them "this is-"

"im ryujin, chan old girlfriend"



here's come the drama uwüu, jungkook stan pls dont kill me im not shipping them as a couple but more like sibs cause i like how their appearance show alook like and similarity in fashion ;))

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