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Im shock on what he did to my gift for him, he..


He.. threw the ring in the air and it lost out of my sight and he smirked on what he did while looking at me " I told you I don't like you giving me gifts especially that ring! you think im that childish to have promise ring that match with you? huh? "

I stood there, still processing on what is going on.. oh god it's hurt I just reply with a smile and turn around to search for the ring.

Woojin POV

" You shouldn't be that harsh towards her, even you don't like the ring at least give it back to her properly. " I said to chan " Why should I? she's the one bugging me and act childish giving me promise ring, duh " he replied

This guy sure doesn't know what "appreciate" means, haih why did you change so suddenly chan..


How in the world can i find this ring when there's many students in this cafeteria I countinued to search and looking at floor

People must think im crazy rn but i dont care, its just that the ring is precious to me..

While searching for the ring I can hear nayeon's voice from afar. " Yah Y/N what are u looking for? " she asked " Im looking for the ring that I give to chan, he throw it and now i don't see any trace of it " I sighed

"Huh? ring? you mean this ring?" she showed me the silver ring and i widened my eyes "YES!! WHERE DID YOU FOUND IT?!"

"Woojin give it to me and he said to hand it back to you" she said and give the ring to me "uh- oh, okay" Thankyou woojin I smiled looking at the ring.



This is not cool, having heart condition and cannot do sport. why am I even doing here if i can't play sport? I guess I'll just have to watch them play.

No! I can't let this happened, i feel like sport pooper sitting here i need to play something. Let's see... AHA! douche ball sound good, let's try.

" Mr.Kang can I play? " asking the coach "Hm, are you sure Y/N because if something happe-" I cut him off "IT'S TOTALLY FINE" i assure him by tapping my heart twice "yeah just don't run or push it over the limit, if you feel sick you can get out" he warned

"Alright, don't worry" This is my chance "IM IN!" i shouted at them.

I run and run to douche the ball when suddenly..
beep beep beep Oh why now, im having fun "Ah- it's-hur-" everyt went black..



I run to her and take her to the nurse.

"So is she okay?" I ask "Yes, she's fine but let her rest first and when she wake up, please remind her to take her medicine" she said

"Okay, i'll tell her later" and with that she left us alone


"Uh-" oh she awakes while massaging her head "Yah! you think im your knight in the shinning armor? you know that you have heart condition why would you want to try the sport? YOU SERIOUSLY A BURDEN TO ME YOU KNOW THAT!" I raise my voice at her.

Great, it's like im talking to the wall "I-im ss-sor-ry" she apologise, i rubbed my face feeling irritate "What ever, just take your medicine so that I can go to class, Im just wasting my time waiting for you" I said not looking at her.

"But Im totally FINE, look.." i sent her glare "CAN YOU JUST LISTEN TO ME? I DON'T LIKE YOU WASTING MY TIME LIKE THIS, TAKE YOUR MEDICINE AND REST UGH" I yelled at her and went out the more time i waste waiting for her, the more i hate her.


I just smile knowing that he's saying the fact, its true that im not fine I just collapsed on the field while playing douche ball.

I take my medicine and went out of the nurse room just seeing a figure leaning on the wall..


"Oh hey woojin, what are you doing here?" I give him a small smile "I was just passing by, I heard chan voice earlier with the sound of slamming door. are you.. okay?" He asked, i can see his concerned and sincerity

"It's nothing much, and oh Im totally fine!" I smile at him "Okay then, can I give you ride to home? since theres not much time left befor-" the bells ring cutting his word off


Woojin POV

"Sure!" she replied, I smile hearing her answer. Bae Y/N i know you hurt, why did you have to hide it behind your smile when you have someone that you can share it with?

someday i will make you smile because of happiness and not because of you hiding the fact that you hurt.


thats sad feeling when i thought i will receive votes and comments HAHA hm thats alright, maybe my books isnt very interesting sksk

A/N 🍉

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