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2 chapter in a row again uwu


Chan POV

after the event i went to rooftoop to relax a bit before going back home, i slid down the railing and close my eyes a bit

not until i heard a sniffles and small sobs

what the? shouldn't the students be down there picking up rubbish and all- wait im a student

i peek to the other side of wall and saw..


I slowly approach her and held her right shoulder, she flinch and went calm wiping her tears

she's crying? but why?

when she look me in the eyes "oh hey chan, what are you doing here?" she smile "why are you crying?" ignoring her question

"no no im not crying see?" she smile widely but i saw it.. i saw how the tears start to build in her eyes "you're lying" i try to approach her but she back away

"im leaving, my dad must be worried if i came home late.. take care chan, bye" she left without looking back

and i figured smth about her.. she's not always positive but she likes to act like she is for others, to make them happy when the reality she is the most caring, softest and fragile person

she always smile even when she hurt..


I need a time to think.. she's right, i never meant to be with chan i am forbidden to with him

i smile letting my tears rolled down to my cheeks like a rainfall

- F L A S H B A C K -


"nayeon i think you should head to class first, i need to use the restroom first" i said "oh you want me to come with you? im fine with it"

"its okay. im alr a grown up not a kid bunny" i giggle, she just nod and said to comeback as soon as i finish my 'business'


I finish my 'business' and went out of the cubicle just to met with ryujin applying lip tint

"oh hey i thought you have alr went home since the event just finished" i said with questioning face

"I should went home earlier with chan but he refused. im going back home alone now" she said still fixing her makeup i replied with an ohh

she suddenly stop what she was doing while i wash my hand "you see, oppa and i should be together.. but seems like your parents want you guys to be married, too bad"

i just smile "can you do me a favour? not to be rude but i need you to shut him off before he got attract with you, chan told me that you have heart issues.. don't you pity him if someday you'll be gone leaving him alone? he's must feel sad and frustrated, if you ignore and shut him off i'll replace your place so that he'll not be heartbroken? how's that?" she stated

she choose a nice word to not hurt my feelings but ouch.. ignoring chan? replace me? i stop wiping my hand with the handchief and look at her

"im not pushing you, think about it.. its clearly show that you guys are forbidden for each other" with that she left

i grip on the sink and felt my heart shattered, i went to rooftop crying..

thinking how things will go if i ever disappear from this world.. i sniff and sob quietly

that's when i felt a hand on my shoulder, i flinch...

- E N D O F F L A S H B A C K -

maybe i should give up? maybe not? let's just see how things going.. i sighed heavily before fell into deep sleep..

- S K I P TO M O N D A Y -

i went to school as usual with my classmate being noisy with chit chat and went pin drop when mrs.choi stand in the front

"Class i have to announce that we have new student, please come in"

oh ryujin is in our class

"anyyeonghaseyo! da ryujin ni-mida, i hope ya'll will welcome me. i just got back from state after many years, i'll finish my graduation here, this year and oh, i came last week on school reopening festival" she smile brighthly she's pretty

I heard other student start talking

"she's pretty"

"she seems friendly and caring"

"i heard a rumours that she once date chan"

"true and i heard that she came back because she want chan back too"

"okay class, that's enough. so ryujin, you know anyone in this school or class?" mrs.choi ask "yes. chan and woojin also changbin and lee know from other class" she smile happily

"then you'll be sitting beside chan since it's empty too" she said "right, class open your textbook page 103. we'll start our study"

the student start groaning and whining while opening their textbook, i smile im gonna miss this moment

and the rest of the day continue with studying..

Woojin POV

i saw it! i saw how her true smile but something
off about her..

why does she looks sad and.. gloomy?


A/N 🍓
few more chapters dear my stars :') once i finish this book, i'll let my cousin fix my grammatical error

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