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A/N 🍓
111 views/reads 😳 thankyou uh, here's my gift for my stars! uwüu another update :') i love ya'll even when i feel my book are sucks asf uh



weeks passed and not a single day ryujin not clinging with chan around the school

do i really need to give up on him?  no, not yet i sigh

i was walking thru the hallway went to the locker to change my book but a sudden bang sound was heard making me froze

i felt my body weaken.. i slowly breath and peek just to see the sight ryujin kissing with.. chan..

i accidently dropped my book, they immediately stop and saw me

my tears start building up into my eyes as i ran away from there

i don't care anymore about my heart, it has been ripped into million pieces just by seeing the one you adore and love being with another girl

i ran and ran not wanting to hear anyt from chan even he's calling out my name

i almost went out of the school when i suddenly passed out

everyt turn into darkness..

Jihyo POV

I was walking with daniel from the school park when i saw a familiar figure running out of the school building

is that y/n?..

"jihyo-ah why did u stop?" daniel asked "uh is that.. y/n?" i asked back while pointing to the girl

just to see she's collapsing, i widened my eyes "Y/N!!"

we ran to her "help her to the nurse room while i call mrs.choi" i demand and he nodded

daniel's run to the nurse room while run to the teacher room "MRS.CHOI! y/n- sh-e fa-faint" i said panting

mrs.choi look at me with worried expression want me to lead her to the nurse room

we went there to see y/n's have been tuck on the bed

"oh you're here, i think we need her father to take her to the hospital. im scared her condition becoming more worse.." the nurse said

"alright, i'll call her father" with that mrs.choi leave us to called y/n father

"what happened to her?" the nurse ask "we dont know too, all i saw was her running away from the school building to the school gate then she suddenly collapsed" i explain she nodded

"thank you for your guys helps, you can go back to your class i can take over it from here and no more dating, its study hour" she strictly said

we blush because of embarrassment and nodded


- A W E E K L A T E R -


its been a week since that incident where i collapsed in front of the school gate and chan's incident

he's been calling and texting me saying he'll explain to me

but i don't have the positivity energy anymore

the more i grow up, the more days passed feels like im dying slowly..

ever since that incident my body felt more weaker than usual, the doc said to be more careful on what activity im doing

*ding dong*

i don't have any energy left to open the door so i let the maid open it for me

"miss there is someone wants to meet you, he said its urgent" she inform and said to let him come in

i already knew who it was.. despite, we need to talk about it one day no matter what the problem is

we can't just run away from it

"y/n.." he calmly called out my name 

"look, i forgive for what you have done to me.. i'll let it slide" i simply said and shrugged

"no, listen firs-" i cut him off

what i said next caught him off guard and he went speechless

"let's pretend that we never exist, never meant and forbidden for each other.. let's call off the engagement.." i smile letting a tear escaped 

A/N 🍓
i know, i know :3 you guys gonna hate me even more after this.. im sorry hehe

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