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"hey i didnt even have the chance to say a word to chan" i pout at him "aigoo, it's okay. it's not like youre not gonna meet him later or when  ever" he replied with a smile

"cute" he mumble but i still can hear it " let's go nayeon must have find a sit for us" i said walk faster than him

"Yah! let's go together!" he shout, trying to catch up with me

We line up to buy foods and as soon as we done , we search for nayeon

there she is!

"nayeon-ah!" i shout and she wave excitedly at us aish this girl is too cute we walk to her and sit "so youre gonna tell me now??"

"fine" and with that i explain to her, just as i was about to finish explaining there's announcement from the speaker "Dear students, we would like to inform the students that involve for reopening school festival will have to get their ideas to their own homeroom teacher also decide if its suitable for the festival this friday which is after tomorrow. thankyou" it ended like that

"Oh talk about the festival i hear that class 3 will have haunted house/room , you wanna try it this friday?" nayeon ask if thats make you happy, i'll go with you even if there'll be some bad effect on my heart condition but.. theres will be nothing wrong trying.. right?..

I smile and nod "Yeyyy, youre the best!! and even if i love to hangout with you guys i should get to ms.choi to discuss about my team preparation before jeongyeon nagged at me like my mother" she said sighing "sure" we both say at the same time

and she went disappears from us "let's find jihyo, she must have done with the plan" woojin say taking my wrist

-Ms.choi class-

"Class please be with your group and start your plan , decoration and all. you have 2hours and tmrrw to finish your task. if theres anyt just come find me at teachers room" she walk out of the classroom

why do i feel like someone burning gaze on me I turn to where my instinct told me and it was chan.. oh no  he must be misunderstand about me and woojin

i pout and say "channie~ why are you serious, let's just start with the preaparation okay?" trying to comfort him "just do it by yourself" rolling his eyes

i smile "okay, you must be tired"

"let's start y/n-ah" woojin say excitedly. i chuckled at his excitement "ne!"


calm down bang christopher chan! calm down! calm down!! they are nothing but friends- wait why do i even care? pfft

"YAH ARE YOU JUST GOING TO STARE AT US DOING WORKS AND YOU DOING NOTHING?!" jihyo suddenly burst, i swear she look scary and like a burning flame i should help them before she throw the scissors shes holding on my pretty face

"yeah im coming" i sigh getting up from my
comfort zone


I happily accept all the works that woojin and jihyo asked me to help them with but there's smth uneasy feeling while im decorating..

oh no please not now, i wanna be part of this plan, i dont wanna be usele-

"..woojin" and all i see was darkness..


this a short chapter and maybe theres nothing really interesting in this chap. just wait.. there'll be more drama after this! stay tune!

Engaged Again ( BangChan FF ) ✔️✔️Where stories live. Discover now