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im so so so so so sorry :3


today is the day where we all share same feelings..

feelings sad, hurt and all the negative feelings because today is..

y/n funeral..


"make a way! make a way!" the doctor shout
"sir you cannot go in here, you need to sit outside" the nurse said to me

i drop onto my knees, feeling helpless

just in time y/n father arrive "chan, what happened" i can hear in his voice a worry and sadness.

"i.. i-i fail to protect her.." i sob harder "no, no, no this can't happen" her father said while shaking his head

"you-you don't know that her body is getting weaker, she might no-" the doctor went out of the emergency room.

"bae y/n's guardian?" he ask "me, im her father"

"im sorry, but can we talk for a bit?" the doc request, mr.bae only nod and follow him.

i stand beside emergency room, waiting and hoping that everything will turns out to be good but instead..

"chan.. we can't save her.." mr.bae announced while looking down his feet, feeling frustrated.

from that moment, i can't help but feeling like someone's ripping out my heart from my body..

"thankyou, everyone for attending this ceremony. today is the day, with a heavy heart i have to let go of my lovely daughter.. bae y/n.  y/n was a wonderful, sweet girl. Even as a baby, she had a calm temperament and as she grew into a little girl, always took things in her stride. as she enter her mid school year we found out that she had heart problem, she need to do therapy more often, always take medicines and she will always whine saying "appa can we turn this medicine into sweets?" she is a lovely person, how did she turn to like this? " y/n father sobs

the eulogy continue with all her family.

after the ceremony, i decided to take a walk intead of taking a cab or using my car.

"oppa.." i hear, i peek over my shoulder "ne ryujin?" i said lifelessly

"mian.." she fidget the end of her. i let a loud sigh and continue to walk away..


"ah uri favourite adeul has come back, here" my dad hand me a flight ticket and my passport.

"what's this?" i ask raising my eyebrow "oh since that y/n girl has passed away, might as well let you study abroad for 3 years in our home country, australian" he finish

i clench my fist and went into my room

unknown pov

"i'll comeback for you chan, wait for me"



A/N 🍓
hehe im really sorry this is a shitty ending, but oh well im in a rush HAHAHA btw thanks for the views, votes and comments <3

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