© 2019 Corin Pelinia

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Copyright © 2019 Corin Pelinia

All rights reserved.

I. - Restriction Guidelines:

The author reserves the right to restrict any part of this book to be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form which includes photocopying, recording, or other electronic/mechanical methods without prior notice and approval from author.


⚠️ Fellow readers & writers, please note that the only platform where I share this story is Wattpad.

As of May 2020 I could see some sites sharing this story, as much as I appreciate that they find the story interesting, I'm also concerned of the possible threats. Please be cautious, this is just for awareness, that the author is not affiliated with any of them and none of them asked for my permission beforehand :(

Nevertheless, thank you awesome people for dropping by!

Happy to write this journey with you guys!

- Love, Corin  ❤️

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