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Havoc is what welcomed us by the shore of Sorrom.

Gone is the face of the land that had once capture every voyager and merchant with its splendor, now, it's but a withered gloomy place.

My first step landed on the pristine sand but my eyes, still unbelieving that this is Sorrom. Grand's relatives said that the place is decaying and surely that's what we saw.

Sunken boats, burnt ship and destroyed huts almost blocked the entrance, while fallen logs and trunks lie scattered everywhere. The lush trees that surround the area were no longer in sight, and the smell of breeze is that of moldy soil. How can this place not recover after months of the ambush?

Few guards stand by the way of our passage as they study each and every one of the off boarders from The Omega.

Someone tugged my arm.

Looking up, I met eyes with Stavros.

I stare at his face that is clearly in utter distress, but he's trying hard to hide it from me. He licked his chapped lips and snorted.

"Did you sleep well last night?" He asked as his hands ease the crease on his forehead. It had taken us a day and a half of sailing and last night, Grand's aunt invited me to sleep with her in her cabin, which I happily accepted, while Stav and the rest of Grand's relatives stayed up all night to navigate the ship.

"Yes I did...well at some point, Grand's aunt snored a little" I replied as I beamed at him, trying to help the stiffness on his face.

Stavros lowly chuckled.

"A little?" he said sarcastically, now I could see he's loosening a bit.

I tapped his back "Hey calm down, it's going to be fine" I answered the question and doubt in his eye.

He nodded and stopped on his track as Grand's relatives walked passed us.

He swung his head and stare up the sky, his chest heaving in deep breaths. After some time, he lowered his head and stare straight back at me.

"Can I get a taste of my antidote once again?" He asked, his look inching down my lips

"What do you mean?" I asked bewildered while I gaze at him dumbfounded

He take steps closer to me "You, Tunisa, is my antidote from the poison that course through my blood and brain and heart" Stavros said, looking at me like flame

"You want to taste your antidote?" And the realization of what he said struck me, I slightly punch his chest

"Goodness! You are pertaining to me? You...you lunatic! How could you ask that amidst these many people?" I blurted in shock as I looked around us

A wide smirk formed on Stavros' face and it seems all his stiffness drained out of him

"Why do you resist me so much? Yet your eyes tell me how much you desire everything about me" He cockily said

I opened my mouth at him in disbelief "Seriously Stav? You are about to enter your kingdom after months of being missing, you are about to retrieve your throne! and here you are bantering with how much you see in my eyes that I desire you!?"

Stavros disheveled my hair and laughed.

"Tunisa I am messing with you, you should see how crimson your face is" he snickered and marched away, leaving me gaping at him

Stavros looked at me one last time, mouthing "Everything will be alright" and smiled, a smile that never reached his eye as he disappeared in the crowd.

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