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Glimpse of the past


"Why are you crying Ros?" Just then, I feel a tiny hand land on my head

I stared up and see Moth's calm face.

He's not supposed to see me when I cry, I shouldn't have taught him the way how to sneak into my chamber.

"I'm not crying" I toughly replied and push his tiny hands away.

I am sitting on the floor, drenched in sweat and blood...the blood of my dog.

Moth kneeled and cup my face with both of his tiny hands.

"You are crying, why are you lying?" He asked as another unneeded tear roll down from my eyes.

"Leave me alone" I tried to shoo him away though I said it softly because I half-heartedly want him to stay.

"I won't go, you can say all you want" He replied and wiped my tear stained face.

Grand wasn't here yet, his father had him run an errand.

My brothers are with my mother, hunting, so I'm all alone with my dead dog and Moth in front of me.

"You always tell me not to cry because tears are not for boys...I always thought you were wrong." Moth said gently as he fixed my hair.

"A boy becomes a man when he cries" He said and I looked at him with furrowed brows

"Where did you hear that stupidity?" I spat and try to push him away a little harder.

He's thin and frail, I could push him further if I want to but the thing is, I don't want to. I need someone to be with me today, though Moth was the least I expected.

"From my father" He said

"Well that's not what my father said" I replied and took off my bloodied clothes.

Grato doesn't want me to be weak.

Grato said I must overpower him as I grow up, I must be tough, hard and trust no one except our blood.

"What happened?" Moth asked as he stare at my blood splattered clothe.

"My dog died" I finally said aloud

And I feel another wave of painful emotion wash over me.

"He's been with me since I was four. We had six long years full of adventures. I watch him take his last breathe, laying in my arms as he spurt out blood" I  am crying again

It hurts so much to lose someone so valuable, someone that's already a part of you.

Father said a real man shouldn't feel anything, but what is this excruciating pain in my heart over a dog I lost?

Am I not to be called a man now?

"It's alright, you can cry it all out" Moth said as he embraced me.

"Sometimes when I feel so sad I just cry my heart out for hours and after that I would always feel relieved, then my throat and heart no more ache" He pulled away, smiled and hugged me again

"It's okay to cry Ros." Moth added as he pat my back.

I lost my dog. I lost a part of my life. But here I am gaining an insight from a five year old boy who lives in the forest.

"Your dog is in a peaceful place now" Moth said and I let out a choked cry.

I prayed that my dog is already in that peaceful place now, for he was killed unjustly in this world, he was poisoned and he suffered long, fighting for his breathe. I know it was my father who did it.

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