*Edited* Chapter 9 - The "Not Date" Date

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Mia's P.O.V

"He asked you out! Girl you're getting further than me!" I smile as I help Zoe pick out her date outfit.

"Technically, he didn't ask me out so this isn't officially a date," Zoe says coming out in a pair of blue skinnies with a pink plain tee.

"Have you never watched High School Musical before? All dates are official," I say shaking my head and sending her back into her closet.

"Well, he still mentioned Lancey so it's obviously not a date!" Zoe yells from the closet.

"But if he asked you that means that her spell isn't that strong on him anymore," I answer.

"Good point, but we're probably just going to walk around the town and talk or see the sights. No big things," Zoe says walking out in a white sleeve less shirt, a pink skirt with little black dots, and black combat boots.

"This is the one! Let's go send you off on your date!" I smile. 

Zoe rolls her eyes but follows me out the room.

Once down stairs we see Andrew and Luke playing Mario kart. 

"Mmmhm!" I cough. 

They both pause the game and turn to face us. 

"Wow! Zoe you, uh, you look amazing," Andrew says getting up from the couch and walking over to her.

"Shall we go?" Zoe asks.

"We shall," Andrew says smiling as the head out the door. 

I turn to Luke smiling. 

"My dear Luke, what are we to do as we are all alone?" I ask.

"I not sure Miss Mia, but anything with you would be divine," Luke says. 

I smile shyly.

"Shall we go to the beach?" I say mimicking Luke.

"We shall." Luke smirks. 

This is going to be fun!

Zoe's P.O.V

Andrew and I had been just walking around seeing the sites when we stopped at an aquarium. 

"Nice timing Andrew. It's closed!" I exclaim.

"Not for long." Andrew grins. 

I roll my eyes. He opens a door and gestures me to follow him. I sigh and follow him into the aquarium, the door making a loud BANG

"Andrew!! We're going to get caught," I whisper as he walks briskly but quietly through the building. Andrew stops. 

"What now?" I ask.

"Do you like turtles?" He asks.

"Well yeah. Why?" I answer.

"Because here are the turtles of....." Andrew pauses. He blinks a few times and then looks as if he has an "Ah ha!" moment and smiles. "The turtles of love!" He says wagging his eyebrows. 

I laugh and walk over to Andrew's side. There, in front of us was a huge pool with turtles swimming around. 

"Awwwwwww! Andrew this is wonderful!" I exclaim.

"I was hoping it would be." He smiles. 

The turtles seem to notice us and start making noises and splashing in the water (I dunno what type of turtles do this but these ones do). I back away a bit, not wanting to get wet and turn into a mermaid. 

"What? Are you scared of a little water?" Andrew smirks.

"No dummy! These are Mia's clothes and if they get wet Mia's going to kill me!" I say. 

He laughs.

We looked at some other animals too! It was really fun. We quickly run out the way we came in since a night guard was nearing us. Once we're out I ask, "Andrew how'd you know what door would be unlocked so we could go in?"

"I know people," He says. 

I roll my eyes and laugh. I stop and realize how close our faces were. I look up into his eyes and he looks in mine. I know what's happening but I don't back away. He starts leaning in and I lean in too. We were so close, his breath on my lips when he shakes his head. 

"I can't Zoe! I can't do this!" He yells, pulling away, pulling on his hair and looking up at the sky.

"Andrew it's okay, you're fine," I say assuring him but not believing it myself.

"No I'm not! I can't love you! She'll kill you! She's planning on it! This was such a bad idea!" Andrew rambles on.

"Who's going to kill me?" I ask.


Falling in Love With The Other Kind ( An Andrew Garfield Love Story) {EDITED}Where stories live. Discover now