Chapter Nine

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They threw the three of us into the back of a van, giving me a menacing snarl. They closed the doors, and I heard a click indicating that it was locked. Brianna was crying by Rose's limp body, and I wanted to cry too. I hate to see her hurt. Brianna snuggled against Rose, whispering something about a princess that turned into a warrior and could fight for herself. She was starting to cry harder and louder now, and I knew I had to calm her down.

I scooted next to her, and stroked her hair. "Shh, Brianna. Your mom is going to be okay. It's all going to be okay."

She moved away from Rose, and wrapped her arms around me. It was silent for awhile, besides Brianna's quiet crying. "I'm glad you like me." She said abruptly. "Did you hear what I was saying to mommy?"

"Something about a warrior princess."

She nodded. "It was a bedtime story. It starts off happy then gets sad, but it has a good lesson. Can I tell you the story?" she asked, hopeful.

"Of course."

"There used to be a princess, long ago. She waited for her prince to come, and she thought he did. But, she realized that she could fight for herself. That she didn't need him. Because he left her, and never looked back. She did the same. She fought her own battles, and knew she was better off. But, she knew she would never be complete without him. She had a baby, and some of the broken pieces came back together, but she wasn't whole. So, even though she filled a missing piece, she was still broken and alone."

I closed my eyes. It was about me. Broken and alone was what Rose had said to me. I hugged Brianna. "You're never alone, just broken." I had told Rose that before she left.

She looked up at me, shocked. "You know the story?"

I laughed. "Unfortunately, I do."

The van came to a screeching halt, almost throwing Brianna across the van. I grabbed onto her, knowing that we're wherever they're planning to take us. Rose started to gasp for air, and I leaned over her. After a few minutes, she was still unconscious, but alive. I have no clue what kind of damage they did to her head. The back doors slammed open and the Strigoi grabbed me by the arm, tossing me onto the gravel. They threw Brianna out after me, but I caught her before she could get hurt. When they threw Rose out, I didn't have time to react. She seemed so dead with her limp body and unfocused eyes. The side of her body flew across the gravel, causing a few cuts along the side of her face.

Brianna went after her, and so did I. The Strigoi that threw us out, caught Brianna by the throat. I growled and charged for him. He dodged me. "Belikov, do not make me kill her this early in the evening. You'll ruin my dinner."

He threw her to me, and she whimpered. I kissed the top of her head, and stood up while holding her to my chest. The other Strigoi grabbed Rose's body, and dragged her along the gravel. When I get the chance, I will rip him apart. I will rip all of them apart. But, I had to protect Brianna right now. As soon as Rose wakes up, I will get them out of here. They showed us to a room that reminded my of a dungeon. Stone was the only material in the room. Of course, I wasn't expecting exquisite living conditions, but I've never seen ones like these.

They threw us in the room then exited, bolting the door from the outside. A woman came in shortly after, chaining me to the wall. She was nice enough to let Brianna free. She probably didn't consider her a threat.

She looked me in the eyes. "My name's Melissa." She had a canadian accent. "I'm here to help the prisioners. I will be bringing you food in a little while, but you have to hide it if one of them comes." she whispered.

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