Chapter 4

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Avaa POV

"Alright guys I think that is a great stopping point." I said as I wrapped up my latest session with the Reeds. In the past 3 months they have made tremendous progress.

"Your homework this week is to work on a pros and cons list of the marriage, bring it at your next appointment and we'll evaluate them together. However, you cannot let each other see your list until the next time we meet."

"Okay Doc, see you next time." "Yes, thank you so much!" they both said at the same time as I waved them out the door.

"You guys know where to schedule your next one with Calista, have a nice day!"

They walked out the door and sat down at my desk to look through some of my case files for my other patients. As I sat in my amazingly comfy desk chair, a wave of nausea hit me and I felt my head start to spin, I quickly grabbed the trash can next to my desk and emptied my stomach contents into it.

"Well there goes my breakfast" I mumbled to myself as I found my way into the bathroom in my office to brush my teeth and use mouthwash.

This has been happening all week, most times its just nausea and some dry heaving, but the last two days I have actually been throwing up. I had convinced myself that it was just a stomach bug that would pass, but it has been a week and nothing is making it better. I think I have tried every over the counter antacid on the market, and it keeps getting worse. I groaned out loud knowing I should probably get checked out for the sake of my health. So I called my very good friend from medical school, Dr. Julia Manuel, who also works for the same private practice. We are actually both partners in the practice, and there are 3 more of us. So basically all of us are co-owners of the practice, we make all the decisions together, it's a nice set up. But, anyway I called her office to see if she was in it and let her know I'd be down there in like 5. And true to my word I was there in 5-ish minutes.

"I need you to do me a solid favor." I said to her when I walked in, luckily she wasn't with a patient, she was just going through patient files.

Looking up from the mountain of papers in front of her, "Sure what is it?"

"Be my doctor right quick?"

"Sure thing, symptoms, go!" she said like we were back in med school. We used to prep for exams by yelling out an illness or ailment and after saying "symptoms, go!" one of us had to respond with all of the correct symptoms associated with that particular illness.

"So I have been having this stomach thing going on for about a week. All week its just been nausea, but for the past two days it has been nausea followed by vomiting. I think it's just the stomach flu, I just need confirmation and a quick prescription to get rid of this thing."

"Now you know better than that" she said with a look, I just looked away knowing she had to run test, I was just hoping she wouldn't. "I'll go get an exam room set up while I have this gap in my schedule."

She left to go get everything together and came back to get me from her office not long after.

"Okay before we get started, you know I have to ask you some questions."

"Alright" I said getting nervous, I did not need or want this stomach bug to be anything other than the flu. The flu I can handle, the other thing was out of the question.

Julia continued, "So, when is the last time you had sex?"

"3 months ago."

"And the date of your last period?"

I sat there quietly trying to remember the last time I had my period and I couldn't. Tears began to fill my eyes threatening to fall, I stammered out, "I-I-I can't remember." I tried to bite my lip to keep the tears from falling. She must've noticed my reaction and came to hug me. Pulling me into a tight hug, I just cried on her shoulder while she whispered reassuring encouragements to me.

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