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Unfortunately,the time passed really quickly and before I knew it,the last period was over. And yeah,it was the time when I have to go home...with Harry Styles.

I was just so nervous about him coming over at mine,because...Well its obvious, isn't it? Dylan can't stand Harry,and Harry can't stand Dylan. Hell,they can't even look at each other from the distance. How the fuck are they gonna be in the same house,at the same time? Or not,I don't even know If Dylan is going to be home but I hope not.

And I'm feeling really uncomfortable when I'm around him,well not that akward uncomfortable, thats more of a.. I don't know just uncomfortable. Especially when he smiles at me,and heck my cheeks have to go red. 

''Text me when your visit ends'' Maya had a slight smile on her face,eyes sparkling from the sun. I nodded my head giving her a little forced smile.

''Oh don't be like that Beverly'' She lightly punched my sholder pouting her lips at me. She looked like a lost puppy and with that face she causes you to grab her cheeks and pinch them. She was so cute.

''I'm just so nervous. I don't want Dylan and Harry in the same house. First they can't stay under the same roof and not cause a fight'' I putted my hand over my forhead and sighed.

''It will be fine,just don't worry''

'' Well,I'll try'' From the distance, I spotted Harry who was leaning his back on my locker,probably waiting for me. I turned my head to Maya,who's cheeky smile was her face. Don't make this any worse for me Maya

''Have fun babe'' She smiled even wider at myself,and I just huffed pinching her arm. She squeealed a little bit,narrowing her eyebrows.

''Hey,what was that for?''

''First,your jaw will break. And second,I wanted to feel better'' I smiled at her,probably irritating her nervs to maximum.

''Did it work?'' Her face looked more annoyed by now,and my smile just grew wider. I just love to do that, it's so funny.''It did'' I turned around and began to walk to my locker where Harry was standing,eyes on me as I was aproaching him.

''Well I'm glad!!'' She yelled ,and I just laughed at her,my back still facing her. I love to get on her nerves,she just gets annoyed by little things and thats what amuses me the most.

As I aproached Harry,he was still looking at me a little smirk on his face. I returned his smile,unlocking my locker quickly. I could feel his eyes staring at,but I ignored that. When I left my books in the locker,I locked it and turned around to face him.

''Ready?'' He asked me,and you could see that little smirk still curving on his lips. I noded then followed him to his car outside. I actually had to take Maya's car because,thanks to Dylan,I still don't have my own car.

I entered Maya's car,and when I made myself comfortable I started the engine. I took Maya's car because hell I don't want to take a ride with Harry. Its enough already that he'll be at my house for couple of minutes,and imagine that I'd take a ride with him? No,thank you.

I started driving and I checked few times If Harry was following behind me. And everytime I checked,I could see his messy mop of curls,and glasses on his face as he drove. Soon,I parked in front of my house,getting out of the car. Couple of moments later,Harry also parked his car in front of my house,getting out as well.

When he got out of his car,his eyes were focused on my house. He looked so good today though,I mean he looks good every god damn day,and I'm asking myself is that even possible? But each day pass, Harry proves me that it is possible. His face helds really sharp features,and his jawline is really expressed. It really looked good when you are watching his profile. I'm also wondering if he works out? Well theres no such a thing to wonder I'm sure he does. Well you could see massive muscles on his arms,and he was really good shaped. Gosh,I will learn a lot about Harry in this assignment. And not that I'm complaning,actually I'm curious about the life he is living... Thats just women curiosity.

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