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Dylan just stood there watching us with death look in his eyes. Well he watched Harry that way. . While to me.. I don't know he was kind of disappointed when he redirected his eyes towards me.
To be honest I don't know who I am afraid more of,Dylan or Harry.. Maybe both . .

"What are you doing with him?!?" Dylan shouted looking in my direction. I covered my ears from his loud voice for a second,and I don't know why but I felt like I betrayed him. I haven't done anything with Harry but I bet he thinks that I did,and that's what is eating him,and me as well.

" Dylan it's no-.."

"And you?!What the fuck are you doing in my house?!?" He never let me finish,he turned towards Harry and screamed at him. I wanted to pull all my hair off,this was just stressing me out to bad.

"Calm down dude, we were j-..."

"Shut up and get the hell out of here!!" Harry tried to explain to Dylan that its not what it looked like,but he cut him off too. I don't know what have gotten into him but it was scaring the shit out of me.

Dylan ran towards us quickly,his face expression was still hard as hell. He grabbed Harry's hand that was still on my small back,and threw it away. Dylan came very close to Harry,that close that his face was only few inches away from Harry's. When I looked at them, it was like I was watching two bloodthirsty wolfs,who were on the edge of ripping each others throats apart.

"Just stop Dylan! We didn't do nothing wrong for the Gods sake!" I screamed at them,panic was creating in me slowly,second by second.

" Shut the fuck up Beverly!" He screamed at me,still looking directly in Harry's eyes. When I glanced at Harry,he was everything, but scared. In a fact, I thought he was calmer then ever,but the fire in his eyes showed different. He was angry about Dylan showing up out of nowhere and shouting at him from the top of his voice. And you know why I know that? Because Harry is the same person as Dylan. They don't like to be controlled,noor told what to do.

I never liked when Dylan shouted at someone,because it makes my heart arch. I don't know why but it did.

"And you... Stay the fuck away from my sister! Understand?" He whispered to Harry,but it was more like he growled quietly.

"And what If I don't want to?" I gasped as Harry spoke to Dylan. Oh this is bad.
Harry's voice was still so calm and I really wanted to know what was his secret because I was freaking out.

"Then you will regret the day you were born. Now leave!" Dylan shouted pointing with his finger at the front door behind him.

Before Harry even had a chance to speak ,the door shutting sound interrupted us and my mum and surprisingly  father walked into the living room. Oh how great,he never shows up,and now he had to do that?

My father wore his usual frown on his face,how typical. My mum's smile only became wider when she saw the three of us. If she only knew...

"Is this boy your friend Beverly?" My mum asked me,her stupid smile was still visible on her face. Gosh,no.

"Um yeah-.."

"Yes and he is leaving now" Dylan followed up on my sentence,tension still sensible in his voice as he spoke.

"Why so early?" She asked looking directly at Harry. My dad was still watching all of us with a frown. Yeah of course that's all he is gonna do. That's all he's done all life.

But what got intrigued me is the way that my dad was looking at Harry. Its like he knows him.. But that's just impossible,right?

"Umm.. I have to help my mum in the house.. I'll come another day" he smiled at my mum,and she returned his smile. This is so awkward

" It was really nice to meet you Mr. and Mrs. Clark" Harry said as he shook my mum's hand. My dad just looked at him and after a few seconds he shook Harry's hand blankly.

"It was nice to meet you too.."


"It was nice to meet you too Harry" My mum smiled at him and then Harry turned in my direction,making me jump a little

"See you tomorrow Beverly" one of his hands was in his pocket while the other was waving at me.

"Bye Harry" I smiled as I waved to him. Harry turned around and after a few seconds,you could hear the sound of the door shutting

"Beverly,upstairs. Now." Dylan said it with frustrated look in his eyes. I gulped , took all the papers that Harry and I used then headed upstairs ,Dylan following me behind. I knew what he was going to say,but I'm not going to let him  control  me.

When I entered my room,I tossed all the papers in my hands on the bed turning my head to him.

"What the fuck is wrong with you!" I shouted at him,throwing my hands in the air.

"No the question is what the fuck is wrong with you! I told you to stay away from him! What made you think that you can be with him or even hook up with him!?!" He shouted back at me,making me even more angrier than I was few seconds agoo.

"Who do you think you are ?! Are calling me a slut??" I shouted at him,coming closer to him.

"I'm your older brother Beverly! And no I didn-.."

"You did! You don't even know what we were doing, you just stormed into the house and started screaming like you are mentally unstable person! You didn't even let me explain!" I screamed from the bottom of my lungs. I could see him flinch a little but his face held the same face expression.

"Beverly you were all over e..-"

"No,shut the fuck up because I'm not finished!" I stopped him from speaking any more because he got on my nerves with his behaving. He was shocked by my reaction,but I can't let him do that to me.

"Harry came here with me because we have to do an assignment together! And it was so incredibly rude from you to do what you did! I don't freaking care what you have with Harry and all that ,its not my thing! If I want to hang with Harry I'm gonna hang with him,its my decision not yours!..-"

"No you are not! I'm not allowing you ! And I don't fucking care If I see him with you again I'm going to kill him, I swear to God Beverly!" He interrupted me this time shouting even more than he did.

"Dylan you called me a slut! You can't tell me what to do,or kicking out MY guests out of MY house, do you understand?!"

"Beverly I didn't mean i..-"

"Leave! Now!' I pointed to the door obviously frustrated by Dylan himself. He was wearing somehow hurt face expression,and it ached my heart to see him like that,but he just can't insult me and yell at me like that.

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