t w e l v e

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His hands were on my waist as his lips were all over my chest. It was so odd but soo good at the same time. His lips were so soft against my skin,and even tho his hands were rough,they fitted so well. They felt so well..

I couldn't keep my eyes from shutting as his lips were doing such an incredible work. He bent down so he was on his knees in front of me.

His lips attacked my stomach,and even tho It hurtled like hell,in the same time it was so nice and comfortable. Harry replaced one of his hand on my hip bone as his other hand rested on my lower back,touching my butt a little.

To be honest I didn't know what was gonna happen. Actually I didn't even known what was happening at the moment.. Harry and I were alone in the house. He was kissing my body as I was half naked...
If Dylan saw this he would've killed Harry and me together. But this is nothing wrong right? Its not.

Oh fuck,who am I kidding, this is so wrong! But the worst thing is that,even tho I know this is wrong,I don't want it to stop. Its so confusing but it is what it is.

Harry tongue interrupted me as he came in touch with my red marked stomach. This felt even better,and Dylan and everything else only have disappeared from my mind.

As he stood up,his lips were traveling from my stomach to my chest,then to my neck. His lips disconnected from my skin when he backed away only to look in my eyes. His eyes were so wild and so hungry at the same time. They showed desire and  burned holes on my body as he checked me out from head to toe. He licked his lips as he looked at me once more,then started lowering his head down to me.

My heart pounded like crazy,and I thought I was about to pass out every second. As his lips were closer my breathing went faster. I was so fascinated by that dark shade of pink his lips held. They were so plump,and so.. Kissable
I wanted to kiss them,I wanted it. I wanted to feel them even though they were forbidden.
His lips were so close,that close that I could feel his breath on my lips. That only made me want him more.

I didn't know what was wrong with me.. That's Harry Styles,just Harry Styles. The school's player and badass. How could I forget who is he,how could he made me forget.. This is nothing. This won't mean anything

His nose was touching mine,and my whole body got chills. When his upper lip touched mine,that's when I got numb. That's when everything exploded inside me. But that didn't last long


When I heard Dylan's scream from the downstairs,I jumped as far away as I could from Harry,I was in such panic. When I looked into Harry,he was confused and shocked as well,and I can say I shared the same feelings. How is Dylan even in the house? How he got in? How he didn't see Harry's car? Or he did?
Oh fuck!

"Hide under the bed,fast!"

"Really?Why can't I hide into the bathroom?" He whispered harshly and I could say his voice held some kind of nervousness. As I heard Dylan's loud foot steps I panicked even more.

"He'll probably look there just listen to me,go under the bed quick!" I half whispered,half yelled at Harry who immediately obliged. When he got under the bed I grabbed a shirt and covered my chest and stomach with it.

Seconds later,Dylan opened the door revealing me,standing in front of the mirror in only my bra.

"What are you doing here?" He asked me suspiciously. I tightened the shirt around my chest and looked at my feet.

"Amm I came to change. What are you doing here? And why weren't you in school this morning?" I quickly moved the attention from me,and putted it on him. And actually I am really interested why he wasn't in school,so this should be interesting.

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