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"No, don't change the station!" I said to Harry as he extended his arm to change the current radio station.

"You love that song?" He asked amusingly. I nodded my head then leaned into the passenger seat,slightly humming the song. "Sweater Weather" was playing by The Neighbourhood,and I really love that song and the band as well.

I could feel Harry staring at me few times,and I imagined the smirk on his face as he listened me humming the song.

We were in his car,driving to his home to continue working for the assignment we have next week. Half of it was done,well almost.. I have to give Harry pictures of mine,and he has give me his too,then the half of it will be done.

"To be honest I adore that song,but now you are ruining it"

"No I'm not! " He started laughing,and couldn't be indifferent,so I laughed along with him,but then mockingly punched his shoulder.

"Hey do not disturb the driver while he is driving. You don't want us to die ,right?" I leaned again in my seat pouting at him.

"Oh God,I remember Dylan telling me something similar not too long agoo" I said remembering the situation in the car,the first day at school. I remember I was ready to beat him up.

As I looked at Harry,I saw him stiffened a little just of the mention of Dylan's name. I'm still kind of not used of their disliking but I'm willing to find out what is that all about..

We pulled over in front of really cute house,similar to mine. The house was bordeaux color,and the roof was black. It had small backyard,and the flowers were everywhere. I guess his mum fancy flowers ? Well however it looks beautiful.

We exited the car,and we headed to the house. I was really nervous,and I don't even know why but I just was. I didn't know what to expect,and who will I meet in that house.

I was following Harry from behind,and immediately when we entered the house I felt warm and so comfortable. It smelled really nice and I guess his mum was making something,and .. Wow I'm hungry already..

"Harry?" Sweet voice was heard from another room.

"In the living room" Harry said as he stopped in the living room. He gestured me to put my things there and make myself comfortable. The house was really beautiful from outside but it was more beautiful inside. The colors were warm and all they all matched perfectly.

Seconds later,very beautiful lady entered the living room,big smile on her face. Her smile is so much similar to Harry's.
Harry kissed her cheek and she smiled at him and pinched his cheek. He groaned a little causing me to smile,and then lady's attention turned to me.

"And who's this lovely girl?"

"I'm Beverly, nice to meet you" I extended my arm in front of her and she gladly took it.

"Nice to meet you Beverly, I'm Harry's mum, Anne" I think her smile never fades away. Its just so bright and amazingly pretty,just like Harry's.

"Beverly is a friend from school. We have to do an assignment together" he said looking at me with a smile.

"Oh okay I'm gonna leave you alone then. Would you like some snacks?" She is just so kind and polite. I love her already,and I really don't know why was I afraid to meet her.

"No we are okay,thank you mum" I watched Harry and his behavior from when we came here,and I was really surprised. I was feeling like this is not the Harry from school. This Harry is not a player,not the guy everyone is scared of,noor known high school rebel.. This Harry was simply mummy's boy,all molly and cuddly. You could see in his eyes that he adores his mother and that she means everything to him. The way he looks at her is just so amazing and lovely. He has such a respect for her and I'm really lovely surprised by him right now.

"Okay I'm gonna get you something to drink then" she looked at me and I give her a small smile. Soon she disappeared from the room,leaving Harry and I alone.

"So we gonna continue, yeah?" He motioned me to sit down on the couch and I did as I nodded.

"You have to give me that paper with questions" I reminded him as I took the papers from my bag.

"Oh yeah. Its here somewhere" After he searched it for a while he gave me the paper I asked him for. I decided that I'll read his answers when I get home.

"You live just with your mother or?"The curiosity took over and I just had too. I dared to ask him,And I was somehow scared that I will remind him of something and that he'll get mad.

But he didn't.

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