Part 1

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Y/N L/N had just moved to Calefornia to start her new career as a prosecutor. After spending the last week settling into her new condo and purchasing a car she was ready to start her new position. Who was Y/N? Phoenix Wright's baby cousin. They were very close until graduating and then they went in opposite directions for awhile, Y/N had grown up in New York and stayed there for school and Wright moving to Calefornia to become a defense lawyer and track down his childhood best friend, Miles Edgeworth.

This morning Y/N drove to the prosecutors office and she parked her car. When she got out she saw Phoenix waiting there for her with a big grin. She got out and gave him a big hug.

“Haha, I missed you, cuz!” said Wright.

“I missed you too!” she said. They parted and she smiled.

“I’m so happy you’re here, obviously I'm not usually in this office, I'm in the building next door, but I figured I'd greet you on your first day. You excited?”

She nodded as they started walking. “Yup, hella excited! It’ll be nice to meet the friends you talk about so much, and to see Miles Edgeworth again.”

Phoenix chuckled and gave a half hearted smile. “Um…just as a bit of a warning, Y/N, Miles isn’t the way he used to be when we were kids…”

Y/N frowned. “Oh right…you mentioned…”

Miles and Phoenix were the same age and went to Elementary school together with their friend Larry. Y/N was a few years younger than them but they would all hang around In the summer. Laughing, riding bikes, camping, swimming. That sort of thing. When Miles was 12 though, he witnessed his father murdered in the DL-6 incident. He saw the whole thing and he blamed himself for the murder. After a lengthy trial, Miles was adopted by Manfred von Karma and Y/N never saw him again. Phoenix didn’t meet back up with him until resently when they reconnected in court and Nick defended his old friend.

Miles had always been extremely smart, a bookworm, not shy, but he was introverted. He would laugh and carry on though. But after the murder, it was like he lost his happiness. He would smirk sometimes, or chuckle, but Phoenix was fairly certain he had never seen a genuine smile on his face since they were kids. He had walls up and came off as more of a prick, he was cold now, and sometimes cruel with his words or actions, Nick warned Y/N of this before she came.

“Well, I’m excited to see him anyway.” Said Y/N as they walked inside.

They passed a beautiful lobby and went up a few floors to where the offices were. When they got off they were met by a larger man. He smiled,

“Hey Wright! This must be the cousin you're always talkin' about. My name is Detective Dick Gumshoe, at your service. How are you liking it here so far, pal?"

Y/N giggled, "Well, I've barely started, but so far I'm loving this city."

"Best city in the world."

“This is going to be amazing! Hey um… where is Miles?”

“He had court this morning, Pal.” Said Gumshoe, “But should be in soon.”

Just then a girl Y/N's age got off the elevator.

"Nick! I told you to wait for me! I was just getting a donut from the coffee shop!"

Wright laughed "Ahehh sorry, Maya. Y/N? I'd like you to meet my partner, Maya Fey."

Maya beamed and ran over to Y/N giving her a hug.

"I'm the 'Co.' In 'Wright and Co." said Maya excitedly, "You must be Nick's cousin, Y/N."

They parted and Y/N laughed "I am, it's so good to meet you, Maya."

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