Part 11 - The End

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It was now Christmas Eve and Edgeworth was in his condo by himself. He and Y/N had texted, but hadn't really spoken much since that odd night the week before. While he had gotten his past out to her, he was still a bit embarrassed by it, as well as the vulnerability he had shown to her. She and some of their friends had asked him to come over for festivities, Christmas dinner and eggnog, that sort of thing. But he declined, saying he had plans or that he was busy...

"Busy my ass," said Phoenix as he, Y/N and Maya were at his place, baking, cooking, wrapping, and decorating for when their friends would arrive a bit later.

"I know, it's definitely bullshit," said Y/N, "But we can't force him to come over here."

"It's just so sad," said Maya as she hung another ornament on the tree "No one should be alone on Christmas."

"I'll try to call him," said Y/N, "But I'm sure his response won't be any different."

Y/N went out of ear range so she could have a private conversation with the stubborn prosecutor. She really wanted to see him, especially after their heart to heart. She had come to the conclusion that she loved him, and she was almost positive he shared her feelings. She wanted to tell him how she felt at midnight, the beginning of Christmas morning, she wanted it to be special.

-Ring Ring-

Miles looked at his phone, noticing it was Y/N. He sighed, thinking about avoiding her but knew that he couldn't, he cared about her too much.

"Hello, Miles Edgeworth..."

"Hey um... It's me. To be honest, I'm kind of surprised you picked up your phone. You said you were busy in your texts."



"S-sorry, um, may I ask the nature of your call?"


"Right, yes that makes sense." said Miles, rolling his eyes at how foolish a question he just asked.

"Anyway um, I just wanted to invite you to Nick's tonight again. It's going to be a good time. Maya is almost done decorating and we've been cooking all day. Larry and Gumshoe will be over in an hour or so."

Edgeworth paused, "I...don't...I..."

"Listen, I know you're feeling a bunch of different emotions. You're also probably wigged out that you let me in the other night and that we cuddled-"

"T-that wasn't cuddling." defended Edgeworth, bright red. He was happy that they weren't talking in person, "I mearly had a night of vulnerability, nothing more. My actions were embarrassing and I-"

"Okay, okay," said Y/N with a chuckle, "Sorry...I promise I didn't tell anyone, what happened and what you said is between you and me."


"Please just come for a glass of eggnog? If you're uncomfortable after that then you can leave. This is just like Thanksgiving though, I promise you'll end up having fun."

Edgeworth sighed, he was finding it harder and harder to say "no" to this girl. "Alright fine, one drink but that's it. You know how I feel about Christmas."

Y/N beamed through the phone. "Yay!! Um... I mean, I understand. See you soon, okay?"

"Very well. See you soon."


After some hmmming and haaing, Edgeworth fixed himself up, trading his signature red suit and cravat for grey pants, red shirt, black vest and tie. He got in his car and drove over to Wright's, cursing himself along the way for agreeing to this. He parked and then sat in his car for a good ten minutes, debating if he wanted to actually go in or not.

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