Part 8

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It was now early December and the boys decided to have guys night, even Miles agreed to go. They were having it over at Wright's place. Meanwhile, Maya and Pearl went over to Y/N's to watch a movie and have some snacks. The boys were having some drinks and playing poker.

“Come on Edgey!” said Larry “You agreed to come, live a little.”

“I am enjoying myself, if that’s what you’re referring to.” He said, looking out the window as he nursed a glass of wine.

The others were at the table playing cards.

Phoenix laughed, “He’s talking about the fact that you haven’t joined in one game so far, and we’ve been here for two hours and you’re still on your first glass of wine.”

“Come on, Pal, ” said Dick, “We know you’re all proud and dignified, but this is a safe space, put the wine down, have a couple beer, lose some money with us.”

“I don’t understand the purpose of getting inebriated.” Said Miles “The times I let loose in University, I always felt horrible the next morning.”

“Small price to pay for a night of fun and good memories.” said Phoenix.


“Come on Pal, at least step up the wine drinking.”

Miles rolled his eyes and quickly finished the drink he was working on.

“Fine…where’s the bottle?”


It was a few hours later and the girls were finishing up. “You think they’re done yet?” asked Maya. “I kinda want to go home and sleep now… Pearls is already passed out on your couch."

“I mean, it is going on 1am” said Y/N “We can always go check?”

“We might as well considering they’ve stopped answering our texts.” Said Maya.

“Here, I’ll drive you guys home.” Said Y/N, who had picked them up. “They can’t be too much longer.”

They scooped up Pearl and put her in the back seat, and then drove the short distance to Wright's place. They got out of the car and the music was blaring, the lights still on. Maya’s face filled with shock and then anger,

“Oh heck no…” she said as she stormed up to the house, Y/N behind her with a very sleepy Pearl in toe.

She slammed the door open and their eyes went wide, the place was a mess, there were liquor bottles everywhere. Gumshoe was passed out on the floor as Larry, Miles, and Phoenix were in the kitchen laughing there asses off, still drinking. Maya went over to the stereo and shut the music off. The boys stopped laughing and turned to look.

“Uh oh…” said Larry. 

"NICK!!" shouted Maya.

“…what seems to be the officer, problem?” asked Phoenix, sitting in just his boxers.

There was a silence a moment and then they started laughing hysterically again.

“Jesus Christ, Pearl, go to bed, okay?" said Y/N. Pearl just nodded, rubbing her eyes and wandered off.
“What the fuck did you guys do? This place is trashed!”

Larry stood up to answer “We-“ but before he could finish that sentence, his eyes went wide and he ran to the washroom, puking his guts out. As Maya went over and started scolding Phoenix, Miles got up and stumbled over to Y/N.

“Good evening m’lady.” He said as he took a clumsy bow.

Y/N looked at him in disbelief,“I’m sorry, are you actually drunk??”

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