Part 5

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***More SMUT

It was a few days later and Miles and Y/N hadn’t talked much at all, Y/N completely avoiding him. However, she couldn’t get what happened out of her mind, and to her frustration, the more she thought about it, the more she wanted it to happen again, and to go further.

“Fucking asshole, Edgeworth…” she grumbled to herself as she sat in her office, squirming in her seat. “….ugh…”

She was beyond turned on. She bit her lip and tapped her pen. Finally she stopped, deciding to give into her curiosity.

“I can’t fucking believe I’m about to do this…”

She got up and walked down the hall to Miles's office and knocked.

“Come in.” he called.

She took a deep breath and wandered in, closing the door and locking it behind her. Miles looked up.

“Oh, L/N, you’ve finally decided to speak to me again?”

“I um…shit.”

He raised an eyebrow, confused. “Something on your mind?”

She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. “In the car the other day… you…ugh, nevermind, this was stupid of me to come in here.”

She turned and reached for the door but as she did, Miles came up behind her, pinning her to the wall, her breathing increased, heartrate through the roof. She turned around to face him, looking up into his piercing silver eyes. He looked down at her with a smirk.

“Admit it, L/N… there’s a part of you that’s curious, that yerns for more.”

“Good Lord, do you always have to talk like that?”

“Like how?”

“So poetic and proper.”

“I donno, L/N, do you always have to speak with vulgarity and fowl language?”

“You said you liked that about me.”

“I do, I was mearly making a point.”

“Ahuh… anyway, yeah, I guess I have to admit it. I came in here out of curiosity but now that I’m here, I know how dumb that is so I’ll be going now.” “

You sure?”

“Yes I’m sure…”

“…really now.”


“Because just like our previous encounter, you aren’t trying very hard to get away…”

She went beet red and he chuckled, taking one of his hands from the wall and holding her chin with his thumb.

“I’m not going to lie, Y/N, as I’ve stated before, I want to fuck you, badly. I want to break you, I want to make you mine… I also don’t want to scare you but I feel as though I must be honest, I am into dominance, for this to work, you must be willing to allow me the control I so crave, is that understood?”

“Y-yes…” she said, lost in his eyes and his touch “I… w-wait a minute, no I didn’t agree to this!”

He laughed “Perhaps not with your words, but your body is one step ahead of you. Your pupils are slightly dilated, your heartrate has increased, and I am to bet that you feel a painful throbbing below, begging for relief. Am I getting warm?”

“M-Miles, please, I can’t do this.”

He looked into her eyes a moment and then nodded, letting her go.

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