Part 2

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Miles and Y/N spent a good amount of time catching up and to both of their surprises, were still very comfortable with each other. Y/N hadnt changed a bit which Miles loved, Miles had changed a decent amount but there were still glimpses of the old him. He always talked with great sophistication, so his language wasn’t that much different, but he was a lot more reserved now.

It was a few months later and Y/N was doing great with her trials. She won some and she lost some, but she was learning new things every day, and Miles and Phoenix were always there to help.

Today Y/N was sitting in her office when Miles knocked on the door and came in.

“Oh hey Edgeworth, what’s up?”

He chuckled “I was taking a break from casefiles and was reading the comic strips in the newspaper, I never usually do because they are so childish but I thought today, why not? I found one particularly amusing that reminded me of you and thought I’d share.”

He passed her the newspaper and she read the Garfield comic that he has circled with his fountain pen. She laughed,

“A fat cat eating lasagna and hating Mondays reminds you of me, huh?” she asked as she handed it back to him.

“Yes, because you complain a significant amount and you detest the start of the week because you can’t sleep in.” he said with a smirk.

“Well I’m glad you can amuse yourself, butthole.” She said.

“Name calling, L/N? How juvenile.”

“Ahuh.” She said with a smirk as she continued writing notes for an upcoming trial.

Miles took a seat in the chair across from her desk.

“What are you working on?”

“Murder case.”

“That doesn't really narrow it down. What is the nature of the case?”

“It's the Miles Needs to Mind his Own Business case.” she said with a sly smile.

Miles rolled his eyes, "Hilarious, L/N...”

Y/N stopped writing and gave a pained smile. Miles raised an eyebrow.

“What is that look for?”

“I just…we’ve caught up, and I know I didn’t know you when we were kids as well as Phoenix did, but we did hangout every summer for years… then you just up and left. Since catching up, you haven’t told me what happened to you after you had to move. Phoenix hasn't offered much information either, just that you were adopted by von Karma who is now in jail for murdering your father.”

Miles looked away, anger on his face.

“I don’t like to talk about it…” he said bitterly.

“I’m sorry for prying.” Said Y/N now feeling bad. “I just thought that maybe if you talked about it with me, it would help you.”

“Help me with what?” he demanded, looking her in the eyes now, “What are you insinuating?”

She frowned, Phoenix was right, he could get cold and angry fast. “N-nothing just… you changed a bit since when we were kids, you seem less happy.”

He stood up, “That’s not your business, L/N…” he said “It’s mine and only mine. People change as they grow, there is nothing uncommon about that .”

“I’m sorry, I just thought-“

“No you didn’t think, if you had then you wouldn’t have just asked me such an idiotic question!”

Y/N rolled her eyes “Okay, now you’re just being a dick. I’m sorry for taking an interest in your life and asking a question.” She said sarcastically.

“I’m done with this conversation.” He spat, snatching his news paper. “I’m sorry for coming in here at all!” He then left, slamming the door behind him.

Y/N blew air out of her cheeks, “Jesus Christ, note to self, never do that again…”


It was now lunch time and Y/N left her office to go get food. As she did, she thought about her interaction with Edgeworth earlier. She stopped in her tracks and sighed, knowing that she should to talk to him. He was extremely stubborn and if she waited for him to make the first move, it would be Christmas… next Christmas. She went over to his door and knocked.

“You may enter…” he said.

She walked in and he looked up from his desk. Upon noticing it was her, he narrowed his eyes.

“On second thought, my apologies, I’m busy.”

Y/N rolled her eyes and walked in anyway, shutting the door behind her.

“Frig off, Miles…” she said “I came to apologize for being insensitive, don’t be rude.”


“Can you please just talk to me?”

“What is there to talk about?”

“Okay, if you won’t talk, can you at least forgive me?”

He studied her a moment and then sighed, crossing his arms. “Fine, yes… I accept your apology and I forgive you. In return, I apologize for raising my voice and being belligerent, that was somewhat childish of me.”

“So we’re cool then?”

He chuckled “Yes, L/N, I suppose we are.”

“Awesome, well now that that is behind us, do you want to go get lunch? I’m starving.”

“I suppose I should eat, sure, I’ll accept your invita-“

Just then though everything in his office started rattling and then the room started shaking.

“Oh shit, earthquake!” said Y/N

They got a decent amount of them in California. Miles gasped and froze, he was absolutely terrified of earthquakes, had been most of his life due to the DL-6 incident. Y/N went over to his side of the desk, grabbed his hand and the two got under it, sitting side by side. She then let go of him and he brought his knees to his chest, eyes shut tight as he hugged them, wishing for this to be over. Y/N frowned, it wasn’t even a big earthquake and she knew it would be over in moments. She remembered Phoenix telling her about his fear though, she scooted over to him and laid her head on his shoulder.

“Hold on Miles, it's okay, it'll be over in just a few moments, just concentrate on my voice…”

As she spoke, while still tense, she felt Miles' breathing regulate and before they knew it, it was over.

“…you ok?” she asked. He finally opened his eyes and came to look at her.

“Yes, thank you. I’m afraid the only part of me that is hurt is my dignity.”

They got our from under his desk and dusted themselves off. Just then the door opened, it was Phoenix.

“Holy shit, are you guys ok?”

They both nodded.

“Yes.” Said Miles, “Your cousin distracted me, kept me calm.”

Wright smiled, “I’m glad to hear. I was actually on my way up here to ask if you wanted to come to lunch with Maya and I when the earthquake happened. You guys in?"

“Sure!” said Y/N “We were planning on grabbing a bite anyway.”

“Sweet! I’ll get my keys.”

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