Part 4

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****SMUT warning!

"Objection!!!" shouted Miles. Today he was standing with Y/N, the two working a case together. She was learning quite a bit from the seasoned prosecutor.

"That question is irrelevant to the case and violates the witness's privacy!"

Y/N couldn't take her eyes off of Miles. He wore his expensive red suite as always, he stood tall and confident, commanding the courtroom. She let herself get lost in his deep, confident voice. While she didn't have feelings for him really at this time, aside from friendship, she couldn't deny how sexy he was, this guy was the real deal. She was eventually cut off from her daydream by the judge's gavel slamming down.


Y/N jumped and shook her head, realizing that she hadn't been paying attention. The people in the gallery cheered as the defendant was taken away in handcuffs. Miles started putting stuff away in his briefcase.

"W-wow, that was impressive, Edgeworth." said Y/N as they started walking out of the courtroom.

"Naturally," replied Edgeworth, "Although I'm surprised you caught any of it, you were day dreaming for the last half of the trial."

Y/N went bright red, "S-sorry... I'm just tired and zoned out a bit."

"You can't do that, not in court, not when someone's life is on the line, is that understood?"

She frowned, "Geez, yeah I got it, I'm sorry. Want to not talk to me like I'm a child?"

"Maybe I will if you stop acting like one. This was a case we were equally working on, I ended up holding the reigns through the entire hearing."

"Im sorry..."

Miles sighed, "You are forgiven, maybe just try to be more present in the future, hmm?"

"Y-yeah, for sure."


After court, Y/N decided to go sit in the sauna that was part of the gym in the prosecutors building. She wanted to clear her head and relax a bit, that last trial being intense. After about 20 minutes, she decided to get out. Y/N made her way to the unisex dressing rooms, but stopped in her tracks, noticing Miles standing there in just his red pants. He was pristine, just the right amount of muscle, abs, he had it all. As he reached for his shirt he noticed her standing there, admiring him. He raised an eyebrow.

"Can I be of service?"

She shook her head, "Sorry, no um... just a long day I guess." She lied, walking in. "I just wanted to get changed."

Miles nodded and buttoned his shirt up, he had just taken a few minutes in the second sauna himself. Y/N waited for him to go, but he took his time putting his vest back on and his shoes, checking his hair. She sighed and he stopped and looked at her.

"I'm sorry, did you want me to leave?" he asked.

She chuckled "I mean, I don't give a shit, but it might be weird for you if I take my towel off and start dressing in front of you."

'Quite the contrary' he thought 'This is something I've longed to see' "Oh, no..." he said "It's of no concern to me, we're all human, are we not?"

"Fine, suit yourself." She said, really not caring.

She was tired and wanted to go home. Though she found Miles attractive, so did the rest of the planet, she never really expected or wanted anything to happen. As she removed her towel, Miles watched her in the mirror he was fixing his cravat in, she was behind him. The door had closed and locked behind her. Then it dawned on him,

Attorney Deviant: Edgeworth x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now