Part 6

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**SMUT warning as well as implied violence. Reader discretion is advised.

It was a few months later and Y/N and Miles's partnerships was absolutely amazing. Miles couldn’t believe that Y/N was his, in a sense, and Y/N couldn’t believe the world Miles had opened her up to, it was amazing. This didn’t really change their lives at all, Y/N went about her business and Miles was still a cold, arrogant man, tearing up the courtroom. His feelings for her were through the roof though, he wanted her, all of her, body and mind. But he wasn’t ready to commit, he wasn't sure he ever would be. They never talked about their feelings and for now, he wanted to keep it that way.

As he sat in his office looking over some evidence, there was a knock at the door.

“I’m busy…” he snapped.

“It’s Y/N.”

“Ahuh, that changes nothing, as I said, I’m busy…”

The door opened anyway and he looked up. “Why must you have such a listening problem” He growled. “If you applied your discipline in the bedroom to everyday life, you would go so much further.”

Y/N rolled her eyes “Neat, I guess asshole Miles is at work today…”

“What do you want, L/N? The faster you spit it out, the faster I get back to work....”

“Relax, Edgeworth," she said, taking a seat cross from his desk, "You're already way ahead of schedule, that trial you're working on isn't until next week. I came to see if you wanted to do lunch?”

“What would be the purpose of that?”

“…to eat… lunch?”

“I can quickly go out and buy something and eat it here, or get delivery.”

“I thought maybe you’d like to get away from the office? ”


“Okay, maybe you’d like my company then?”

“Your company is appreciated when we’re having sex. We aren’t doing that right now, nor am I in the mood, so that means you’re of no use to….”

Miles then looked up, not meaning that and knowing he shouldn’t have said it. Y/N looked at him, eyes narrowed and stood up.

“Y/N please, accept my apology, I didn’t mean-“

“Why the fuck are you so cold, Miles?” she asked, “I know when we were kids you were a bit stuck up, you were privileged, spoiled by your rich lawyer father, but you were never like this! I know you grew up without a mother, and I-I know your father was murdered, I know you witnessed it and I'm so sorry you had to go through that, but there must be more to it to make you hate me! To make you hate everyone!”

Miles looked at her, stunned, “Y-Y/N, I don’t hate you, I’ve never hated you.” He said, “You mean quite a great deal to me.”

“Really? Is that why you just told me that you don’t give a shit about me unless I’m on my back? I’m not a fucking object, Edgeworth!”

“I… don’t believe I quite said that.”

“Not in those words, but that is absolutely what you meant.”

“I’m sorry, I was frustrated.”

“That doesn’t give you license to be a total dick to me.”

Miles looked down and nodded. “I’m sorry…” he said “Really and truly. While I value the time we spend in the bedroom, I also enjoy your company outside as well. If you can forgive me and give me about 10 minutes, I would be happy to accompany you to lunch.”

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