Part 7

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It was a few weeks later and Y/N and Miles were barely talking. Edgeworth would hardly go near her unless it was related to a trial he was working on.

It was now Thanksgiving and everyone was invited to Gumshoe's parent's place for the holiday. They lived in an old farm house with tons of rooms and land. The plane ride was pretty uneventful, Miles sat by himself and spent it going through court records. Y/N sat with Maya, Pearl and Phoenix. (Larry and Gumshoe were also sitting beside each other). Wright had no idea what was going on with Y/N and Edgeworth, just figuring that he said something rude and Y/N wasn't having it.

When they finally landed, they were driven to the home. It was around 8pm.

"My what a ghastly looking place..." said Miles as he stepped out of the car.

Phoenix laughed, "I love you, buddy, but might I suggest that you refrain from being so "you" during this visit?"

Miles smirked "I'll try my best, but I am not making any promises."

"Oh my!" they all heard "There's my little honey bunny!"

They turned to see a plumb, middle aged woman run down the drive and tackle Gumshoe with a hug.

"Haha! It's good to see you, ma!" he said, "Ma, let me introduce you to everyone."

"Oh not right here in the driveway, it's dark and getting chilly. Come on inside, your father can meet everyone too and your brothers should all be coming tomorrow. Oh it's so good to have you home!"


Everyone went in and met Gumshoe's father. They had some snacks and tea, and then were shown to their rooms. With all of the company they had coming, everyone had to share. Y/N and Miles ended up being put in a room together, much to both of their displeasure.

"Well, this room is hideous." said Miles as they settled in, claiming a chair in there as a place to put his suitcase.

It was late and he started undoing his tie. He then paused and looked at Y/N.

"...back to the silent treatment, L/N?"

"Excuse me? You're the one that has hardly talked to me at all in the last few weeks, nor will you offer an explanation. This is just weird sharing a room with you after what happened... I still don't understand."

Miles paused a moment before answering, "I apologize for my outburst that night."


He sighed and came to sit next to her on her bed. He offered a little smile and Y/N looked into his eyes, noticing pain.

"I really didn't see an issue coming up when I agreed to your idea, while uncomfortable for me, I didn't see it as a triggering act. That said, you were the first partner I ever agreed to a submissive session with."

Y/N looked up at him with confusion in her eyes.

"....listen, I don't have it in me to relay what happened to me as a child and into my teenage years, but please know that it was enough to break me, to cause this almost over whelming fetish of needing to be in control. It's not that I don't trust you, Y/N, it's that I don't trust myself in that situation. I thought that maybe it would be okay, that enough time had passed, but it hasn't and I don't think it ever will. I apologize for panicing and yelling, it wasn't your fault and I should have apologized to you weeks ago. I hope you can forgive me. I know that I have asked for your forgiveness many times so far since you've been back in my life, and if I am to be honest, this probably won't be the last."

Y/N frowned, she felt really bad for him. "Yeah um...I accept your apology, and I'm sorry for whatever it is you went through. I know that you might never be ready to share what happened to you, but I'm a safe space. I promise I won't judge."

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