Chapter 16: Red Flags Through Rose Glasses

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Sorry about the long pause between uploads, I should hopefully be able to get at least 2 chapters out by Christmas. This being the first (But with my terrible time-management skills, who knows)

ANYWAYS, enough with my rambling, I hope you enjoy the chapter, let me know what you think, and I hope you enjoy the chapter!

Lora dropped to her knees, she began to sob as she looked at Francouer's lifeless body.

"You would know better than any of us, you killed him after all." Abigor spoke.

"But I-I never..."She wiped the tears from her eyes.

Abigor sighed,  annoyed at Lora's sudden lack or memory over what would be something anyone would remember, had they been in her shoes at this moment in time.

"Maybe this'll jog your memory." He said, tossing a metallic, and blunt looking object towards her.

Lora caught the object in her hands, soon recognizing it as Abigor's 'emergency' gun.

"Ya know, I'm beginning to think you never cared about any of us from the start. You never cared about me."

"I care about you Abigor, you know I do."

"I took you in from the streets. If it weren't for me, you'd still be living in that alley with all of your homeless buddies, sitting around a fire, cooking rats for dinner.
I gave you an opportunity. I gave you your life... And this is how you choose to repay me?!"

"I swear I didn't do it Abigor. M-Maybe it was Chaos or-"

"You knew just how much I had longed to be the one to deliver his final blow. To strike him down by MY HAND." He took a deep breath in, before walking towards her, she backed up slightly, as he lifted her chin, forcing her to look into his fiery eyes as a malicious smirk formed on his face. "But.. I suppose that if it can't be him, it aught to be you instead. That seems fair."

"A-Abigor.. you know I would never steal your dream away from you, I-I could never."

Lora was suddenly shaken, causing her to blink wildly, and wake from her dream-like state.

"..Loralei? Are you alright?" Chaos spoke, shaking her rather roughly, though it was not intentional.

She rubbed her eyes, nodding softly. "Yeah, I just got lost in thought, I guess..."

Abigor suddenly burst into the room, he quickly but silently shut the door behind him. "Francoeur's coming. We need somewhere to hide."

Loralei rolled her eyes, and gestured to the door in the corner of her room. "One of you should be able to fit in the closet. I suppose the other could slide under the bed."

Abigor turned towards Chaos, who was already closing the closet door behind him, snickering quietly. He growled, as he began to shuffle underneath the bed. Lora's head turned as Francoeur knocked at the door. She used the heel of her foot to shove Abigor the rest of the way under her bed, and quickly pulled the cover down over the edge of the bed as Francoeur began to open the door.

Lora pulled herself up onto the bed, giving Francoeur a warm smile.

"How are you feeling?" Francoeur smiled, setting the tray in his hands onto the bedside table. Steam billowed from the warm bowl of soup, accompanied by crackers. 

"Thank you Francoeur, it looks delicious." Lora smiled.

"Well, it's canned, so I hope it's good. It's the most I could put together with Lucille getting some rest." Francoeur chuckled.

She pulled him into a hug, a big, warm smile on her face. He blushed slightly, before returning the hug.  

"Thank you for caring.." She spoke softly.

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