Chapter One

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Finally...Fucking finally I have a night for myself. Taking out the bag of popcorns from the microwave, putting them on a bowl. I walk to my small living room and jump to my comfy couch, surrounding me with soft pillows. After a week of final exams and attending rude people in the coffee shop where i work, I could finally have my movie night all by myself, it's not that I don't like my friends or anything but I want a night for me, a night where I don't have to hear the others problems or seeing b/f/n shoving her tongue down her boyfriend mouth like she is feeding a baby bird.

Pressing play on the first movie of The Lord of the rings, I cuddle into my pillow to make me comfortable. I must have seeing the trilogy about 10 times, is one of my favorite's movies of all time, since I was a child I was in love with the books, always asking my mother to read to me as a bedtime story, she always laughs when I quoted the lines of Ring poem with her.

Was in the middle of the second movie that I start feeling my eyes getting heavy, I put my head on the soft pillow and let the sleep take over me, feeling my body like it was floating in the air making my head dizzy, the sounds of the Tv no longer sound around me.

Suddenly I hear something behind me, like a noise of scrambling bushes. I open my eyes and the first thing I notice was the tall trees around me, not letting the sunlight peek. I shot up as i notice that I'm in the middle of a forest, looking around me trying to think of what's going on. Fear starts to run through my veins, I hear again the same noise from before and I look behind to see what is it. As I turn, I feel a could wet hand grabbing me roughly, making a scream escape from my mouth, i lift my elbow, punching who was grabbing me from behind. The person behind me cry from pain, shouting curses, I feel the cold hand letting go of my shoulder and i turn around to see who was it, as I get a better look to the person, my body freeze at the sight in front of me, the most ugly creature that I ever seen in my life was in one knee with his arms around his stomach where I punch. The bushes start moving and a giant wolf jump from there, growling to me, and with that I start running as fast I can. Screaming as I look behind me and saw that the creature was riding the beast, gaining more speed. WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?? One moment I was asleep on my small couch and now I'm in the middle of nowhere running for my life, I begin run in zig zag among the trees, trying to make him fall from the beast or hit a tree but as a tree gets in the way of the beast making the monster fall, he managed to throw his dagger and hit my back, making me almost fall. Pain runs through my body causing me scream on top of my lungs, i limp to a tree, leaning against it, trying to take it out the dagger. I grab the handle of the dagger and pull with all the energy I had left, tears falling down my face, biting my lower lip to stop me from screaming, I throw the dagger to the floor and slowly sitting at the roots of a tree.

Taking a deep breath, I look down to my hands, seeing them full of my blood. My body begin to shake from the cold and fear as the adrenaline start to phase out. I stay quiet, for the horrible creature don't know where am I.

Thoughts begin to invade, where am I? Am I still in earth? Or this is just a horrible joke. couldn't be a joke if no the creature wouldn't harm me. Fuck, I'm in the middle of nowhere, bleeding out and no one to help me. Closing my eyes, I take a one last deep breath and stand up. bending my back a little and start walking, trying to find help or shelter.

Hours had passed and I still didn't have found anything or anyone. My head feels dizzy from the blood lost and my body was starting run out of energy. Maybe this is how I die, alone in a forest, bleeding out from my back . I stumble on a rock, losing balance making me fall down on the floor. And that was it, I couldn't get up, all my energy ended. My breath starts coming in little puffs and my skin feels like it was on fire , i hear the creature coming closer, his footsteps were loud as rocks falling on the ground. I close my eyes letting the black void take over me, not caring about anything around me, not even when a loud scream of pain that leaves the creatures mouth and the last thing i remember is a pair of soft hands grabbing my head, pulling me into a soft embrace.

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