Chapter Six

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(Thranduil P.O.V)

I feel my heart beating like crazy, as I finishing putting my armor a servant told me that my army was ready. I nod and mount my loyal Elk, who was waiting for me patiently by the gates of the Palace. What happen for an army of orcs march here? And why now? "My kin! Today we have the darkness upon us. For century's we protect this land from the Dark Lord but he will not have it today and not ever! We will fight! And the sun will shine upon us again!" the elves roar as they heard my speech. They start marching towards the battlefield, I look back to the Palace hopping that Y/n would be safe. Don't worry, Meleth nin! No harm will come to you. Even if I need to give my life.

During the trip, I notice that the trees were looking ill. They color was fading, the leaves were falling out but not in the good way. The smell in the air was awful, the sun light didn't pass through the trees, making the forest look gloomy. What is happening here? The forest was more horrific that was before! We arrive to Mirkwood borders, I yell for the first row to get ready in place. I hear the horde running down the hill, ready to attack us, I gave the order for the archers fire, killing the front orcs of the horde. As they were almost upon us, I yell for the soldier to make a wall with their shields. And just like that the battle begin.

I wield my sword and start killing every orc that pass in front of me. Slashing heads and everything, I look around me and saw that my army wasn't hold very well the horde of orcs. They are so many. Why the heavy attack all the sudden? What Sauron have in mind?

(Y/n P.O.V)

"Tauriel! What's happening?" I ask her almost yelling. WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON? On second I'm living a dream and next an army of orcs attack us! "Y/n, you need to calm down! Don't worry, I will protect you." I start passing around the room "What about Thranduil? What if anything happens to him? Or to his people?" Tauriel grabs me by the shoulders "Take deep breath, Y/n. Don't worry about Thranduil. He has years of experience. He will not fall easily." she gives me a small smile, I nod and sit on the bed, trying to calm my nerves.

Suddenly I hear a voice in my head 'My Queen! The Elvenking needs your assistance!' I look around trying to see who was talking with me, 'Who are you?' I think, not wanting to talk out loud for not make me look like a crazy woman, 'I'm the Guardian of the Forest. You need to hurry!' the voice echoed in my head. Ohhh... The white elk! Shit, how am I going to leave the room with Tauriel here? Suddenly an idea pops in my head. I look to my giant wardrobe and smirk. "Tauriel! I need help with something here." I said a while walking to the wardrobe. She gives me a confused look "What did you want from the wardrobe right now?" I just wave to her to come closer, I open the wardrobe and pretended that I was looking for something.

As she was getting closer to me, Tauriel peek inside the wardrobe, trying to see what did I need help with. "There in the corner, there's a heavy box with something a need." I point inside, she put a foot inside, leaning down to see the box but as she move forward, I push her inside the wardrobe. Closing fast the doors, locking with the back of the chair. She starts hitting the door, yelling "Y/N!! LET ME OUT! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!" I run to the bedroom door "I'm sorry, Tauriel. But he needs me!" with that I left the room, running down the hall towards the garden.

When I arrive to the garden, I notice the white elk standing there waiting for me. Walking to him, I stand my hand forward, petting softly his head. Then he bends his front paws, letting me mount him. I grab a fistful of his fur and sit more comfortably and then he begins running into the forest, lead me to where Thranduil was.

A while we were running for the battlefield, a feeling starts rising inside me. I feel the connection with the forest, I see a pack of wolfs running with us, joining me to help the Elvenking.

When we arrive, a loud gasp fall from my lips. The elven army was almost all slaughtered, only a small portion was fighting for they lives. I look around the battlefield, searching for Thranduil, hopping that he wasn't dead. I feel a relief when I saw him still standing, fighting a huge ogre. I dismount the elk "What do I do? I don't know how to fight!" I ask to the elk, I notice the wolfs around me, ready to protecting me. 'Don't worry, My Queen. You have the light on your side.' I took a deep breath and let my power release from me, I lift my hands slowly as they glow. I hear an orc shout something in black speech and a large group of orcs and goblins runs to me. I throw my hands in front of me and felt my power run through my veins, I notice large vines started growing on the floor, grabbing the hideous creature and suffocate them. The wolfs start running into the battlefield, killing every orc and goblin. Suddenly an orc got close to me, grabbing me by the arm roughly "Come here, little witch!" I scream and put my hand on his face, trying to pull him away from me. But as my hand make contact with his face, he falls on the ground lifeless. I stay very still for a second, looking down to my hand. Did I just take his life?! God...I see another orc running to me, I threw my arm and a ball of light was release from my hand, killing the creature. Hell yeah!

I walk into the battlefield, throwing balls of light to the creatures and order the vines to trap them and killing them. I felt unstoppable, killing every enemy that was in front of me. I look to Thranduil and saw him staring back to me with an amazed face but suddenly I see the giant ogre lift his huge axe and hit Thranduil on his back, making him fall. "NOOO!" I scream with all my strength, I threw a ball of light to the ogre and kill it.

Running to Thranduil body's, I kneel down and grab his face, crying in his chest. I feel his hand petting softly my hair, I look up and see him with a small smile on his lips "Don't cry, Meleth nin...You did so well..." I rub his cheek with my hand "Please! My love stay awake!" I said, almost yelling when I notice his eyes closing "Mandos is calling me...Gi melin, Meleth nin..."(I love you) tears start running down on my cheek like a river "No! Please, Thranduil stay awake!....Please..don't leave me alone..." I begin feeling my power rising up as I cry on his chest. No, no, no, no.....Please don't go.

Suddenly a wave of power exploded through me, killing it all the army of Sauron. But...also giving live to all the elves that have fallen. I stay sobbing into Thranduil body, not noticing what I did.

I lift my head when I felt Thrauduil chest vibrating, "I see that I can't escape from you." he said a while chuckling. My body froze. What the hell have happened? Thranduil sit up and look around, seeing all his kin alive and happy, "You did a quite a job here." he said with a smile. A squeal escape from my lips as I threw myself to him, making us fall down on the ground.

We start laughing a while I kiss all his face, saying thank you every time I kiss his face. I don't know what happen but I'm thankful. I stand up and help him up, staring around us I see everyone smiling and applauding to me. Shyly I smile and wave to them, I feel Thranduil lips on my ear "I love you so much, Meleth nin." I turn to him with a huge smile "I love you too, My love." grabbing his armor, I pull him down and kiss him passionately. Everyone around begin applauding louder and cheering for us.

We break apart, taking a deep breath "Let's go home, My Queen." I nod "Yes, My King." and start walking towards the white elk. Well... maybe it wasn't so bad going to Middle-Earth.

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